Her eyes bored into his. “Then why did you say it?”

“I was jealous seeing you with Jackson after I was inside you just last night.” He hesitated. “I thought he’s better for you than I could ever be. I could just push you away with those words which in my mind was better for you, Danni.”

“Why do you get to make that choice?” She snapped at him.

He leaned into her. His forehead touched hers. “Because I just do.”

Danni brushed her lips across Walker’s. “You aren’t right Walker. I’m not better without you. You hurt me.”

“I know,” he whispered against her lips. Then he kissed her again. He lifted her in his arms and carried Danni to her bed. Her gown bunched up around her waist. His hands were pressed against her bare skin beneath. He groaned in his throat.

“I love the feel of your skin,” he said before laying her down. Then he tugged his shirt over his head and kicked off his boots. Walker slid across Danni’s body, covering her with his own. “I love the feel of you beneath me,” he whispered before is mouth captured hers.

Danni separated her thighs letting him get closer to her. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him into her. “Don’t let

me go, Walker.”

“Never again,” he told her. “I love you, Danni Rose.”

She gasped at the words she had been waiting to hear. The words of love she longed to hear him say to her. “I love you too, Walker.”

Cupping his face between her palms she gazed at him. “No one can come between us unless we let them,” she told him.

“I know, baby. I thought I was doing the right thing for you.”

He pressed kissed to her cheek, along her jaw and down her throat. Danni’s head tipped back letting him access to all the parts of her that he wanted.

“Walker,” she gasped his name when he tugged on her nipple with his teeth.

“I want this off you,” he declared.

He felt the cold metal of the gun at his neck and he stilled. “This is awkward.” He had been right to come here. “Don’t move too quickly,” Jamison told him.

Walker could see the fear in Danni’s eyes. “I told you I would pay you tomorrow,” he ground out between his clenched teeth. Danni tensed in his arms. He was kicking himself for not locking her door. He had made it so easy for Jamison and his men to walk right in here.

“Back away slowly Robby,” Jamison told his man.

Walker moved off Danni but stayed between her and the gun in Robby Halbert’s hands. He knew these men. Most in the county did. Most knew to stay away from them unless they wanted trouble. He felt Danni’s heat at his back. He felt the tremble of her hand as she slipped it around his waist holding onto him.

“I suggest we move to the living room,” Jamison informed them.

Walker bent over to retrieve his shirt from the floor. “What are you doing?” Robby shouted at him. He heard the click of the hammer. Danni whimpered. He glanced over his shoulder at her.

“it’s okay, Danni Rose.” Then he looked at Robby. “Just getting my shirt. Relax.”

“Robby don’t get trigger happy,” Jamison told him. “He’s our payday for Seth’s screw up.”

“Seth?” Danni repeated her brother’s name.

Walker got distracted by Danni. He hadn’t told her why she had been attacked. He got his shirt off the floor and slipped it over his head never taking his eyes off Robby’s hand with the gun. Jamison didn’t appear to be armed. Maybe that is the way they traveled.

He didn’t know much about Jamison and his crew other than their reputation. Some was legend and the truth stretched, he was sure but some of it was real and honest. They were dangerous men.

He got to his feet and tugged Danni with him, keeping her safe behind him. He would take a bullet before he would let her get hurt. He had to stay alive though to protect her. He had to keep Robby and Jamison calm to stay alive.

In the living room, he tucked Danni in the corner of the sofa and sat next to her, shielding her with his body as much as he could. “Tell me what’s going on.”

“Your brother Seth borrowed money from me,” Jamison informed her. “That’s what’s going on.”