Jamison smirked beneath the thick beard that covered his jaw. His dark hair was slicked back. Everything about him was slimy.

“I’ll give you the money,” Walker informed Jamison. “Tomorrow meet me here at the pub at noon. I’ll have it for you.”

“Fine,” Jamison replied. “If you don’t deliver the money, Walker I make no promises about Danni Hatfield.”

He started to take a step forward and Simon placed his hand on his bicep, calming him. “Get out,” Simon told the three men. Jamison walked away from Seth and sauntered out the back door. “Shut that door,” Seth ordered his son. “Do not leave it open again.”

When Seth returned from shutting the door, Simon confronted him. “How did this happen?”

“Boogey Manson had a deal. I got in on it and he lost our money. I had no way of repaying it. It sounded good. I thought I would triple my money according to Boogey and pay Jamison back.”

Simon rubbed his temples. Walker wanted to take Seth out back and beat him as Jamison’s man had hurt Danni. He turned to Simon. “I need to go to her.”

“Go, I’ll call in Elijah or Ben.”

“Thank you,” he said.

“Take Seth’s truck,” Simon told Walker.

“But Dad.”

His father glared at him. “Your sister was beaten severely because of you. You are lucky I don’t let Walker do what he wants to do with you. Now give him your keys.”

Seth handed Walker his keys. He lifted the apron over his head and laid it on the counter next to the dirty glasses he had brought to the back. Then Walker headed out the back door. For once in his life, he wanted to have a cell phone. He jumped in Seth’s truck and backed out of the spot. He headed around the front of the building and slowed to be sure no traffic was coming then he turned right and went through town.

He couldn’t get to Danni fast enough. He had to see that she was all right for himself. He didn’t trust Jamison. He wasn’t above taking her as insurance that Walker would pay him in the morning.

Outside of town, the road was curvy. On either side, the trees were thicker. He turned on the signal waited for a car to pass then he turned into Danni’s drive. The light was on in her cabin’s front window. He got out and ran across the front yard. Up the stairs, to the front door. He jiggled the handle, it was unlocked. He ran through the door and shouted her name.

She appeared in her bedroom doorway. The light behind her made her white nightgown sheer and see through. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Tears that he had caused. He went to her and crushed her to him. “You’re all right,” he whispered squeezing her in his arms.

“You’re hurting me,” she told him.

“You’re all right,” he responded.

“What’s wrong Walker?” She couldn’t budge an inch in his embrace. Danni’s feet were barely touching the floor. “Walker let me go.”

He sat her on the floor. Walker gazed at her then his hands cupped her face. Danni tried to pull away, but he wouldn’t let her. “I’m sorry.”

“You should be,” she informed him.

A tear rolled down her cheek. Walker wiped it away with his thumb. “Danni, I’m not worth crying over.”

She sniffed. “What are you doing here? When I left you at the pub you were insulting me. You made it pretty clear how you felt about me.”

He tugged her into his chest and held her close. “I had to be sure you were all right.”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She asked.

“I know who attacked you. I had to be sure they didn’t come back for you.”

She was so confused. He knew why she would be because he sounded like a crazy man leaving so many things out. “Start at the beginning.”

Walker pushed her against the door. His body pressed into hers. She shoved against his chest, but he didn’t budge. “I didn’t mean it.”

“Of course, you did. You never say anything you don’t mean,” Danni grumbled.

He cupped her chin forcing her to look at him when she tried to look away. “Danni, I didn’t mean it.”