He rolled to his back and took her with him not losing the connection of their bodies. Danni flipped her hair over her shoulder and smiled at Walker as she sat up straight on his body. She moved, and he gripped her hips.

Danni balanced herself with a hand on Walker’s abs. “You like that Walker?” She asked him.

“God yes, woman. I love how you feel wrapped around me.”

He rubbed her clit while she rode him slowly, in tight circles meant to drive him crazy. His dark eyes were wild with lust. She knew she had him close, so she slowed her movements and Walker groaned at her. He pulled her in for a kiss and nibbled on her lower lip, holding tight to a ponytail he created with his fist wrapped around her curls. Then he slapped her ass, good and hard, leaving his handprint on her behind.

No one had ever done that to Danni before. She gasped. His big palm rubbed over the warmth that he had left. She moved while their lips fused together.

“Do it again,” she whispered to him, her lips a fraction from his. Their breath mingling.

He chuckled. “Yeah, your momma raised a good girl all right,” he teased her, then he slapped her butt before urging Danni harder and faster on his cock. “Sugar, I need to come in the worst way.”

She leaned over Walker and he cupped her face in his hands. Then he sat them up, chest to chest. Their movement was small, his hand on her back, holding Danni in place. Walker pressed his lips to her shoulder. He ran his tongue along her jaw.

The heat between them was as amazing as she thought it would be, but Danni knew it couldn’t last. She laid her forehead against Walker’s. She pressed her lips to his, wanting to hold onto him. Wanting to keep him in her bed all night but somehow, she knew in the morning, that the bed would be cold without him in it.

His hands gripped her butt hard. His face was more intense. He moved her harder and faster getting him to where he needed to be. A groan came out of him when he came inside Danni. They clung to each other like tomorrow might never come. She didn’t know why she felt so desperate to hold onto Walker, but she did.

He lifted her and laid her on the bed then he scooted down beside her, flat on his back. She wanted to snuggle next to him and lay her head on his chest. Danni wanted Walker to wrap his arm around her, but he didn’t. She knew he couldn’t. He didn’t have it in his DNA to get close to a woman, not even her because once a long time ago, Shank Wild had left Walker and Jesse with their mother Artemisia, destroying their ability to love.

Danni rolled onto her side away from Walker. She didn’t know if he cared or noticed that she was crying into her pillow. He stayed in her bed. She guessed she should be grateful he hadn’t run away as soon as they were done. What had she expected? He would declare his love for her? She had hoped that their lovemaking would mean something.

In the morning, when Danni woke, like she suspected last night Walker was gone. She ran her palm across the sheets. They were cold. He’d been gone a long time, but his scent remained behind. She could smell him on her pillows and Danni knew she would never be the same.

Chapter 12

He left long before Danni would be awake. He left long before she would be aware that he was watching her sleep. He let her long, black curls run between his fingers. He left, wishing he could give her more and knowing it was impossible. He wasn’t good for Danni. He knew that. He brought her nothing but trouble no matter how he felt about her. Matt would tell him that too.

He walked, and he walked as far away from Danni as he could get. Walking cleared his head but not about her. He knew what he wanted but also what he could never have with Danni because his pride was a terrible bitch that kept getting in the way. He was nothing and last night never should have happened, but he would hold onto the memories of her because it would never happen again.

She told him he could always get his license again, but he enjoyed being free not confined in a vehicle. A truck slowed beside him, and he glanced to his left. Jackson Hand let the window down and he turned his head back towards the road that he traveled.

“Want a ride?”

“I’m fine walking,” Walker responded.

“Get in,” Jackson said more forcefully. He was a man used to getting his way and he wasn’t going away.

Walker gritted his teeth and opened the door then he climbed into the truck. “What do you want Jackson?”

Jackson didn’t say anything at first. He took off at a slow pace. It wasn’t far into town so whatever he had to say to Walker he had better make it quick. He was meeting Matt for breakfast after his early morning chores. Then he was going over to Rachel Hatfield’s to see how his mother was doing. She had been there for weeks and he hadn’t felt the intense need to check up on her so much as Simon had kept him informed about his mother.

“You know that you can’t give her what she needs,” Jackson informed him.

Walker shot him a look but didn’t respond. Jackson Hand knew nothing about Danni Rose and who she was now. The kind of woman she had become since he left her. The fierceness that she developed over the years. She was loyal to a fault. She had stuck by him even through his years in prison. He had all the letters that Danni had written him through the five years of his prison sentence. He knew her most intimate thoughts from those letters. He knew Danni.

“I can,” he added.

“You think she wants to go to Louisiana with you?” Walker f

inally spoke up. “I assume she would have to go with you and leave her family behind.”

Jackson flinched at Walker’s words and he knew that was a sticking point in Jackson’s plans. Danni wouldn’t want to leave Sherwood or her family behind.

“I’ll convince Danni how good we are together and how good we can have it. I have an apartment right now, but we can get a home. She can get rid of that truck she’s been driving since she was sixteen.”

Walker snorted at Jackson.