The blankets had slipped down his hand rested on bare skin. Walker looked away from her face to the exposed parts of her. She ran her hands across his bare chest. He had put on his jeans before coming in the cabin.

Danni slid her arms around his neck and drew his face to hers. Her lips pressed to his, but he didn’t respond at first. Walker was holding back, still trying to do the right thing.

Then his hand gripped her bare butt and yanked her close to him. His tongue dove between her lips and he groaned. “Danni, I only have so much restraint. I haven’t been with a woman in a very long time and dammit woman, I want you so much.”

They kissed and kissed some more then they stopped. They were gazing in each other’s eyes. “I offered myself to you, Walker. What more of an invitation do you need?” She reached between them and ran her hand over the bulge in his jeans. His eyes closed, and he chewed on his lower lip. “Is that enough or do you need more?” She asked him.

He was rough when he shoved her to her back. He startled her when he yanked her nightgown over her head. Then his hands were tender on her body. She hadn’t been touched in years either.

Her body was on fire with need. Danni had never been touched like this. Where his hands touched her so did his mouth. His tongue traced circles around her nipples.

“Walker,” she groaned his name and his beautiful, dark gaze shot up to her face. She cupped his whiskered jaws. Then she kissed him.

He moved away from her. Down between her legs and spread them wide to accommodate his broad shoulders. In her wildest dreams, she never imagined Walker Wild between her legs doing what he was doing right now. She ran her fingers through his hair. He ran his tongue across her sensitive skin. She arched off the mattress delighting in the pleasure he was giving her.

“That’s it Danni, come for me,” he said, his voice all sexy and husky. Danni wanted to move and wiggle, but Walker was holding onto her as his tongue danced across her clit.

“Walker,” she nearly screamed his name. “Let me come.” Her body throbbed. Her heart pounded. Walker kissed the inside of her thigh then he moved up her body and covered her with his.

He was heavy, but Danni didn’t mind. She loved the feel of him between her thighs. The weight of him pinning her to the mattress. They belonged like this together. He had to see that too.

She did what she dreamed of doing, Danni slid her fingers down Walker’s back and grasped his ass in her hands. She squeezed his firm butt then wrapped her legs around him holding him close.

“Hot damn, that was good,” she whispered just before his lips touched hers. When he broke away, she shoved at him. “Get those pants off.” Danni wanted him, naked. She rolled him to his back and her hair covered her and part of him as she worked to unbutton his jeans.

She wiggled them down and threw the jeans over the side of the bed. Then Danni looked at him, with her hand, she caressed him. “Don’t Danni. I won’t last. I haven’t been with a woman…”

She cut him off. “Just let me enjoy yo

u for a moment.”

Danni wrapped her lips around Walker and he hissed sucking in air. He shoved her hair back, so he could see what she was doing.

Her lips slid up and down his length several times before he insisted, “Enough, dammit.” His voice was hoarse. “I want inside you.”

She giggled and moved across him, straddling Walker’s hips. She moved over him, teasing him, resting her hands on his broad chest. Her mouth touched him. Her teeth grazed his nipples. She could see that she was driving him wild but that was her sole purpose right now.

Then she let herself slowly slide down his length and Danni watched his reaction to that too. Walker gritted his teeth. His hands gripped her waist. “Hold on a second,” Walker told her. He just needed to catch his breath while Danni just wanted to move.

She remained still, seated on Walker. “Now,” Danni pleaded.

He nodded, and Danni moved her body on him. Every stroke he filled her up and made her moan. Every stroke made his body tighten and get closer to orgasm that he was trying to hold off.

Then he threw her on her back, shocking her. “You just have to be in control,” she teased him.

Walker laughed in her ear then he entered her again, slow and steady. “Hell no,” he disagreed. “I was about to come with you on top. I want this to last.”

He was heavy, pinning her to the mattress but she just couldn’t care; being with Walker was an experience she wasn’t sure she would have again. He could walk away in the morning. That was just the way he was. Hot and cold with her. She just didn’t know what tomorrow would bring with him.

Danni clung to Walker wanting this to go on as long as he did. Her fingers slid over his shoulders and down his back. Her lips brushed over his neck and found his when she realized he was looking at her.

He felt so damn good, thrusting into her. Her feelings overwhelmed her, and she drew Walker close. His face was buried in her hair where he couldn’t see what was happening to her. The things that her eyes would reveal to him. When had it happened? When had she fallen in love with Walker Wild?

Skin against skin. His breathing with hers. His heart beating with her heart. It was right no matter what Walker said. She didn’t care that he didn’t have money, a house or a driver’s license. She didn’t care about the danger that Jesse brought to them. Walker had more than most; he had heart and soul. He had her heart and soul.

Running her foot down his leg, he kissed her cheek. Their bodies filmy with sweat from loving each other. He whispered in her ear and she laughed at his vulgarity.

“Momma raised a good girl,” she responded.