“None. I don’t keep in contact with him for obvious reasons.”

“What did the other girl look like?”

“Brunette, equally beautiful. Brown eyes. I didn’t see either of them for long and I was trying not to look at either of them because they weren’t dressed in more than their underclothes.”

The sheriff chuckled at Walker. “Not much of a description. He didn’t say her name?”


“I’ll check at the diner and see if they ate there.”

“Obvious choice,” Walker agreed.

“I don’t have any other questions. Could you leave your address and your mother’s address with Beebee?”

He cleared his throat. He didn’t really have a permanent address. “What’s wrong?”

“I live in different, places. When Jesse started poking around about a year ago, I started staying at Danni’s to watch over her. Her cabin is isolated. We didn’t want her to be alone.”

“Well where can we reach you? Got a cell phone?”

“No,” Walker replied. “Call Simon or Matt Hatfield. They can always find me.”

The sheriff sighed. “Another hermit.” Walker didn’t know what that meant. He frowned at the man. “Never mind. Just leave their numbers and your mother’s information. I might want to talk to her.”


The sheriff walked him out to Beebee’s desk. Simon gave her his and Matt’s number. He gave her Arte’s address too. Walker’s hands were trembling. No one could understand what this did to him. He knew he was innocent, but he had been innocent before.

Simon put his hand on Walker’s shoulder and he turned to him. “Co

me on,” he said to him. His voice soft and encouraging. “Let’s get you back to Danni.”

He slid into the passenger seat while Simon got behind the wheel. “Are you all right Walker?”

Walker leaned over on his knees. He rubbed the palms of his hands in his eyes and shook his head no. Today was a painful reminder of being arrested all those years ago. Then he felt helpless and afraid of what was to come. Now, he felt just as helpless. This time it could happen again and there would be nothing he could do to stop it.

“It’s fine, Walker. I promise,” Simon told him.

He leaned back in his seat and buckled up. Then Simon backed out of the spot he was in. “She was young, Simon. Younger than Danni, I’m sure. That’s what being with Jesse does to you. It gets you killed.”

The rest of the ride to Danni’s cabin was silent. He just wanted to see her. To touch her. To worry about what being with him could mean to her. Anyone related to Jesse could be in danger. “I think Mom shouldn’t be alone,” he told Simon when he turned in the drive.

“I’ll talk with Rachel. They are good friends. Maybe she can convince her to move in with her for a while.”

He nodded then Walker got out of the truck and went across the drive. He walked up the slate, stone sidewalk. Danni had carried each stone herself. She had placed them where she wanted them. She did all the work. She was spunky, that girl. She refused to let him or Matt or any of their brothers help her do it.

He climbed the stairs to the front porch and opened the door. Rachel and Matt were in the living area. They both looked at him the minute he stepped through the door. Simon followed him inside and closed it behind him.

“Where is she?” He asked.

“In the bedroom,” Rachel responded.

He headed that way. She was sleeping when he entered. By the bed, Walker kicked off his shoes and climbed onto the bed with Danni. She stirred and opened her eyes.

“You’re back,” she whispered. Her voice showing just how tired she was. He laid his head on her stomach and Danni ran her hands through his hair. “Walker are you, all right?”

He nodded. “I just want to hold you.”