The sheriff entered her room with Simon Hatfield behind him. They saw that Danni was sleeping and motioned for Walker to join them in the hallway. He moved out of the chair where he had been and took one look at her before he went to them.

“What’s up?” He asked when the door latched closed behind him.

“No fingerprints were left at Danni’s cabin.”

Walker shook his head. “So, nothing to go on?” He replied.

“No, I spoke to Jesse. He said you had been there this morning,” Hawk Simpson remarked.

Walker explained to Hawk about seeing his brother that morning. The sheriff understood his need to confront Jesse, but he told him to stay away from his brother in the future. He didn’t want Walker getting into any trouble.

“I agreed to meet him at the bank in the morning. I’m giving him the money he needs to get out of town.”

Sheriff Hawk Simpson gazed at Simon for a moment then he looked at Walker. “Take Simon or Matt with you.”

Simon agreed. “One of us will pick you up here, in the morning.”

Walker nodded. “Can I get back to Danni? I don’t want her to wake up and wonder where I’ve gone.”

The sheriff and Simon both nodded. Walker went back into her room. Danni was still sleeping. He slid into his chair and stretched out his legs. It was going to be a long night.


Simon picked him up in the morning. Danni was going to be discharged in an hour. Walker was battling with himself, wanting to be with her and wanting to get to the bank.

Her father reassured him that Matt and Rachel would be here soon to pick her up and they would stay with her until he dropped Walker off at the cabin. He wasn’t leaving her until he was sure Danni was safe. That would be when he knew who did this to her.

Seth came into the room. Her brother was staying with her until Rachel and Matt arrived. Walker was relieved that he wasn’t leaving her alone in the hospital room. He leaned over to kiss her forehead. She redirected his kiss. His lips touched her bruised ones.

“That’s better,” she whispered.

He shook his head at her. “I’ll be at the cabin later,” he informed her.

“Be careful,” she told him.

“I have your dad with me. How much trouble can I get into?”

Simon snorted behind him. He chuckled when he straightened and looked at the man who had always been kind to him. Shank Wild left when he was young. Simon had been his father when he needed one. That’s why it hurt Simon that Walker hadn’t come to him when Jesse was blackmailing him.

He left Danni then in Seth’s hands and followed Simon to the garage where Seth had parked the truck. He was quiet as they drove to the bank in town.

“Son, what’s going on inside that head of yours?” Simon finally asked Walker.


bsp; Not much was the answer. He was just quiet, letting the peace wash over him and through him. Simon always made Walker feel this way. “I’m just absorbing the quiet,” he told Simon.

“You’ve been this way your whole life but your quieter since you got out of prison.”

He nodded at Simon who had glanced at him quickly.

“I don’t want anything to happen to her, Simon. I feel like I bring nothing but danger to the ones I love.”

“Because of Jesse.”

He nodded again.

Simon turned into the only bank that existed in Sherwood. Their town was small, there was no need for competition.