“You got it big bro,” Jesse started to close the door on Walker. He stuck his boot in the door preventing him from doing it. Then he grabbed Jesse by the throat, hard enough he cut off his air. He got real close to Jesse, letting him struggle a bit.

“I’m telling you now that if you return to Sherwood and ask me for anything else, I will put you in the ground. Got it?” His brother nodded. Walker released him and turned towards Matt. Jesse was coughing and sputtering trying to clear his throat where Walker had choked him. “Let’s go,” he said to Matt.

They climbed into the truck and Walker slammed the door harder than he had intended to. His friend said nothing about it. Didn’t even look at him even though the window rattled in the frame. He should have apologized but he was contemplating what to do next. Who had hurt Danni?

Matt backed out of the parking spot and headed towards Sherwood. “Where to now?”

“Hospital,” he replied. “I promised your sister I would come back.”

Matt shot him a look then focused on the road. They were so much alike except for the tattoos that Walker had gotten in prison. Messy hair, tall and well built. They worked hard and were simple men. Both men, had on worn jeans that had seen better days. White t-shirts covered by plaid flannel shirts. Work boots on their feet as they were always doing dirty work in fields or standing in Ike’s the boots worked just as well for Walker.

Matt did well for himself as a tobacco farmer. He had bought the farm after working there beside Walker since they were young teens. He employed a few of his brothers and his best friend to help him bring in his crops. While his friend had done well, Walker had gone to prison for Jesse. He was now milking him for money to get himself out of another bit of trouble and it irked Walker he had no choice but to pay him off to get him out of town.

“What are you thinking?” Matt asked.

“I hate it that I’m turning over money to Jesse.”

“You know your threat will only go so far?” Matt glanced at Walker who nodded in agreement. “Then what?”

He shook his head back and forth. “I don’t know. I just know I need him out of town. One less danger I have to worry about where Mom and Danni are concerned.”

Matt nodded. Neither man said anything else until Matt dropped Walker in front of the hospital. “Call me later,” Matt informed his friend. “I want to know how Danni is.”

“I will.” Then he got out and shut the door with a tenderness that made Matt chuckle. He waved to him then Matt drove away leaving Walker standing on the sidewalk for a second.

He put his hands on his hips and tilted his head to the sun that was starting to get hot for a late summer day. It was nearing fall and usually the temperature wasn’t this warm in September. He closed his eyes and let the sun caress his face. This was the one thing that he missed when he was in prison. Being outside and free was the best thing in his life when he got out.

Then he turned when someone said his name. He saw Rachel Hatfield walking towards him. She smiled at him before she reached him.

“How is she?” Walker asked.

“They are keeping her overnight for observation,” Rachel told him as soon as she reached Walker.

“I’ll stay with her,” he declared.

Rachel wasn’t as tall as Danni and her daughter looked nothing like her, but Rachel Hatfield was one beautiful woman at fifty-nine. She had been like a second mother to him. Her dark hair was pulled back from her face in a long ponytail. She hadn’t cut her hair in years since he was a teenager, Walker thought.

“Sit with me,” she said using a tone she had used with him and Matt on more than one occasion when they were boys and he wondered if he was in trouble.

He followed Rachel to a bench just outside the hospital doors. She patted Walker’s thigh. “I want to say something to you,” she declared. “Jackson came home for one other reason besides his mother.”

“I know.” He wondered if Rachel wanted Danni to go with Jackson when he left town. What mother wouldn’t want more for her daughter? More, that Jackson could obviously give to her.

“She doesn’t love him anymore,” Rachel declared. “If you don’t screw this up, she won’t even consider leaving Sherwood with him.”

Walker burst out laughing. “So, it’s my fault if Danni leaves town?”

“Yes,” Rachel replied with indignation. “So, don’t screw this up.”

“How could you want her to be with me, Rachel?” He asked. The softness of his voice relayed his uncertainty about loving Danni.

She tucked her arm through his and gave it a squeeze. “Walker Wild, I’ve known you since you were born. I’ve had you at my house more often than not since you and Matt were in kindergarten together. I know you didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve know from the time that Danni could walk she followed you wherever Matt would let her. I know who my daughter loves, and it isn’t Jackson Hand.”

Walker turned his head and gazed at Rachel. Her eyes, a soft, warm brown color were locked on his. “Don’t tell me that you don’t love her. I wouldn’t believe it after what I saw in the Emergency Room and I know that she loves you too. I know my daughter. Now is your chance, Walker to have a life and love with Danni.”

“People will talk about her,” he declared, still not convinced that he was right for Danni. He thought she deserved better than him.

“Who the hell cares. Do you think Danni will?”