“Jaw and cheekbone are okay, bruises are going to be bad. Nasty bump on the forehead. Eye socket doesn’t appear to be broken.”

More tears flowed from her eyes when the paramedic examined her. Then she recognized his voice when he spoke to her. He had been in Elijah’s class, three years older than her, Max Hartfield.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I won’t poke anymore.” She could only nod.

She felt a needle go in her arm while Max put her in a neck brace. Then they loaded Danni on a gurney and she was wheeled out the front door and to the waiting ambulance.

The sheriff stopped them at the back doors. “Danni Rose, did you see him, his face?” He asked.

“No,” she croaked. “He wore a mask.”

“I’ll need to talk to you more when you’re feeling better.”

Inside her head, she knew she said okay but she wasn’t sure the words came out of her mouth. Her dad got into the back with Max. He lifted her hand in his and held it.

“Mom?” She asked.

“The boys made her stay home,” he replied. “You called Ben back.”

“Accidentally,” she responded.

Her father’s cell rang in his jacket and he released her hand, laying it beside her with care before he answered.

“Rachel, we’re taking her to the hospital, right now. Lots of bruises. Honey, she was beaten, pretty badly.”

Danni smiled. Maybe this would help them get it together. Helluva thing to make them see reason, her getting her ass beat but if it worked, she would be grateful. Her eyes fluttered closed.

“I’ll see you at the hospital,” her dad told her mom.

Danni licked her lips, “Dad,” she said only his name at first.

“What, baby girl?” His voice cracked. She knew that she must look bad if he was about to cry. There were only two times she had seen her father cry. One was when his mother died. At the funeral, he broke down and sobbed in her mother’s arms. Two was when his divorce was final.

She had gone to the courthouse to support them both. Her father left sobbing. Her mother was equally devastated. She just didn’t understand them.

“We’re here, Simon,” Max informed him. “We’ll get her out first then you can follow us.”

“Thanks Max.”

She was so sleepy, she couldn’t keep her eyes open. She didn’t get to finish her question. She wanted to tell him it was time to tell her mother how he felt about her.


Walker went to his mother’s house when he left Danni. He needed her more than ever. He had to do right by Danni and falling in love with her wasn’t the right thing to do.

His mother gave him comfort but she didn’t agree with him. “That girl has loved you for a long time,” she informed him.

He didn’t want to talk about it. “I’ll make us some tea.” She sighed, exasperated with her oldest son.

Arte headed towards the kitchen when the doorbell rang. She was having a busy morning, unusual for her. Walker started to get off the sofa. “I’m not helpless, son. I’m already up so sit,” she told him.

She opened the door to Matt Hatfield. “Arte, is Walker here?” He heard his friend’s voice. He didn’t know if it was Matt himself or the tone of his voice, but he knew something was wrong. Walker went to the door and stood behind his mother. His eyes met Matt’s and his gut twisted.

“Thank god, you’re all right.”

The words were screaming inside his head, but they wouldn’t come out. He kissed his mother’s cheek and stepped around her.

“Walker Shank Wild. You can’t just leave like that. What’s wrong, Matthew?”