His grip on her face was fierce. His eyes were intense. “You are so worth it, Danni but Jesse could hurt you if he knew that I had feelings for you. I can’t…”

She cut him off with a kiss. This time she stuck her tongue in his mouth. Giving him a kiss that showed him the passion and the need she felt for him. When she pulled back he stared at her as if he didn’t know her. “We worry about Jesse, together,” she informed him.

“I think this is a bad idea, Danni. I think you should let me handle Jesse.”

“I think it’s a fabulous idea, Walker Wild. I’m about to set your socks on fire.”

He chuckled. Then he moved his hands to her butt and pulled her against him. “That’s what scares the shit out of me, Danni.”

“I thought so, Walker. A good dose of fear is good for you. Keeps a man on his toes.”

He kissed her again. The groan that escaped him thrilled her. He had feelings for her. Then he pushed her back. “At least take things slowly until Jesse is out of town.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “I haven’t had sex in two years. How slow?” She snapped at him.

He shook his head at her. “I haven’t had sex in eight years,” he admitted, “so we go at my pace with what I’m comfortable with. Danni, I couldn’t live with myself if my brother hurt you.” She couldn’t argue the point when he sounded so sweet and sincere.

She sighed as if the weight of the world rested on her shoulders. “All right.”

“Let’s watch television. That will distract us.”


If he thought it would be that easy, then so be it. She cuddled up next to him on the sofa. Walker held Danni in his arms and they watched a movie until she was asleep.

A crash outside the cabin brought them both awake with a start. Danni rubbed her eyes. “What was that?”

“I don’t know.”

Walker peered out her front window. Danni stood right behind him. They neither could see anything. He wanted her to stay inside while he went out to look around. She wouldn’t let him go outside alone.

Danni got her baseball bat from the hall closet and handed it to Walker. He looked at the Louisville Slugger bat and chuckled. A bat versus any weapon a criminal might have wouldn’t help him any, but he appreciated the thought. Then they headed outside together.

It was four a.m. The night air was downright chilly. Th

e grass was cold and damp beneath their feet as they walked around. Getting closer to her truck, they could both see that her windshield was shattered. Slivers of glass lay on the hood of the truck and pieces were scattered on the drive. Whoever had done this meant business.

Walker dropped the bat to his side and let the handle dangle from his fingertips. He looked around him to see if there were footsteps in the mud at the edge of the drive where it had rained a day or two ago. Nothing. They had been quick too.

“We’re off to a good start, Danni.”

She scowled at him.

Chapter 8

The sheriff came and went with little hope of finding who had broken the windshield without evidence or either of them seeing anything. At six, when he left they went inside and climbed into her bed together. She slid beneath the warm blankets and Walker stayed on top of them. Danni rolled over to him and laid her head on his chest. It took a moment for Walker to relax but when he did, he wrapped his arm around Danni and held her close.

There were only a few hours until the sun would come up and they would have to get out of bed. Danni was having brunch at her mother’s house at eleven. She didn’t know what Walker was doing. The house where she grew up with her brothers. She wanted her dad to be there.

She lay awake in Walker’s arms. She could tell that he was sleeping from the even, rise and fall of his chest. She was no longer tired.

This felt so right to Danni. Why couldn’t Walker see it? If she invited him to go with her to brunch, would he go? She knew the answer before she asked the question. Walker was afraid because of Jesse. Until his brother was taken care of, he would keep her at arm’s length. He was afraid of what her family would think too. She wondered about them, herself.

Danni ran her fingers across Walker’s chest. She wasn’t thinking about how this would affect him because she thought he was sleeping. It was an automatic reaction to being close to him. He grabbed her hand in his and held it firm. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“No, you aren’t,” he answered.

“No, I’m not really,” Danni admitted. “I want to be with you, Walker.” She decided to try honesty with him.