Page 48 of Made In America

He snorted. “You’re just another bitch who will spread her legs for all of them, included that piece of shit Sokolov.” She was shocked.

“You’re a real jerk, and if I were you I’d watch your ass and whatever the hell it is your dealing from behind this bar. End it, or I will tell Lucca.”

His eyes widened and he gripped her wrist the bad one making her gasp. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

She stared up at him. She really needed to control her anger and her mouth. She had no idea what he was up to but apparently it was a bad thing that she bought this up to him. He looked around them but they were alone right now because of whatever other situation was happening.

“What the fuck did you see? Who did you say something to?”

“I saw you sliding things to certain people, so I suggest you end it.”

“Who did you tell? Who Annabella? This is serious.” She gulped. Jesus she was working in a freaking insane asylum.

She pulled her wrist from his grasp and gave him the evil eye. “I didn’t tell anyone, but I will if I see you doing it again, and don’t threaten me, or dare say I’m flirting or whatever. I’m just trying to work hard and get paid, and I’m sure the hell not interested in being any man’s “bitch.” She said and walked away from him.

She headed upstairs and grabbed her things.

“Where are you going?” Quarters asked her.

“To wait downstairs.” She lied, and then headed to the elevator. She was nervous, but her anger had the better of her judgment and even facing Ivan’s wrath for disobeying his order didn’t faze her or break through the fog of detest for men she was in right now. She noticed the place was empty and then saw Murphy.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m getting a cab and heading out. It’s super late and I’m tired.”

“I thought Roman was driving you to the train station to get your car.”

“They’re all busy. It’s no big deal.” She said and then moved past him.

“I think you should wait.” He told her, but she brushed past him.

When Roman called her name but she ignored him. No one was the boss of her. She didn’t know what was going on and who these people thought they were, and she especially didn’t like Berin. She was all fired up, couldn’t even think straight as her temper flared, and her heart raced.

The cool night air did nothing to relieve that fire burning under her skin. As she got outside and looked for a cab to hail there was no one around. She couldn’t wait out here for Roman to order her to accept the ride, she was still feeling pretty raw from earlier and well, angry to say the least. She felt like a fool. She actually let go a little with Ivan and it had been a game. Then to boot, Berin basically called her a slut, like she would spread her legs for any man, for Ivan just because he was some kind of boss.

She shook her head, disgust raising another notch, and then cursed at herself as she thought about how it felt to be in Ivan’s arms. To be kissed by him, seduced by him. He was older, sexy, powerful, wealthy, charismatic, hard, Jesus she could see herself letting go completely with him. To losing her virginity with him and her anger went up another notch as desire, realization that she was falling for Ivan Sokolov, made man, Russian gangster. She was breathing rapidly. Was she going to lose her mind? She wanted to scream in frustration. The quicker she got out of here the less of a chance she would be forced to accept a ride and who knew what else.

She headed uptown, thinking she should see a cab any time now, she didn’t expect to see Berin, or him pointing a gun at her. She froze in place. Blinked her eyes as if she were imagining this.

“Come with me now.” He reached for her arm and she had the strap of her bag over her shoulder, he pushed the gun into her side.

“No. What the hell are you doing? Please Berin, just leave me alone. I don’t need any more drama tonight. Whatever this is about I don’t care. I want nothing to do with any of this crap.”

“It’s too fucking late for that. You saw and you’ll screw up the plans.” He snapped at her and started pulling her along with him.

She pulled back. “What plans? What are you talking about? The drug deals? The slips of paper? I don’t care and I’m not telling anyone about them.”

“It’s too late. I need to buy more time, and you’re it. Sokolov and the rest of those asshole are going down. They’re going to die and you’re not going to stand in the way.” She was trying to keep up in her high heels and nearly tripped as he pulled her along.

“Annabella!” Roman and Dante were outside the club doors and heading toward them with Murphy, Zinc and even Ivan.

“Fuck.” Berin yelled and pulled her hair but she didn’t want to go with him into the darkness of the side street. “Move your ass bitch or I’m going to kill them. Kill all of them.” She screamed out, turning as he pulled her hard.


“Gun!” She screamed and they drew their weapons but Ivan pushed through them and Berin aimed the gun at Ivan and his men.

He was going to kill Ivan and even the others. She freaked out. She didn’t think, the anger and fear made her react. She wouldn’t let him kill Ivan or these men. Annabella swung her arm as she pulled back throwing him off balance enough that he shot upward as she slammed him in the face with her fist. He pulled her back and then she struck him again in the chest and turned to run, knowing the others were almost to them and they had guns, and he slammed her in the back of the head with the gun. She fell to the ground, felt the immense pain to her head, her shoulder as she cried out, her face to the ground, she couldn’t move, couldn’t crawl to safety and then she sensed multiple men around her.