Page 39 of Made In America

“Caught wind of Sokolov’s guys asking questions, and looking around. One of our guys from the warehouse said Ferdom, Sokolov’s cousin was with some guys over in Queens and asking about specific dealers. They were two of the men we’ve used for distribution through the clubs.” Rocco told Aiden.

“Shit, that isn’t good. I’ll talk to Mr. Maloney and see what he wants to do.”

“What about the deliveries for tonight.” Rocco asked.

“Follow through but tell everyone to take extra precautions and if they get a feeling they’re being watched or that they could get caught then pull back and we’ll deal with the backlash later. This is just a small aspect of operations. We were taking a risk going in so close to Sokolov’s territory and doing a hit like this one.” Aiden said.

“The route grew big fast and there’s a high demand. In order to keep up with that demand we need the product. It just so happens that Sokolov won’t entertain it in his territory, but the other families will and they have product on hand.”

“I know, he thinks it will bring in cops and investigations.” Aiden replied and couldn’t help but to feel concerned. He didn’t know what his boss, Ched would do next if these operations fell through. He really wanted to hurt Ivan Sokolov, and eventually knock him out of his powerful position. However, the man always seemed steps ahead.

“He has a point, but the money we’re all making is too good to give up. Do you think we’ll have to?” Rocco asked.

“No. I think the higher ups will come up with an even better plan. I know they are working on things. Make sure no one gets caught tonight. This shipment will clear us of a bunch of backorders and put us in better standing with the dealers. These gang members throw huge parties all the time and that means constant income. I’ll be in touch. You keep me aware of what’s going on and how things go tonight.”

“Got it.” Rocco replied.

Aiden leaned back in the chair. Maloney was not going to be pleased about this. He absolutely hated Sokolov and his power over the families and the monopoly he had in various money-making businesses. The drug business was huge though, and the man refused to get his hands dirty, yet controlled the area too. Sokolov shared with the families, giving them pieces to maintain and to run. Sokolov got the kickback money from that. However, there was a bigger plan at play here and when things turned, when Sokolov was no longer able to interfere, Aiden and Ched would be right there and would get offered a higher position because of their loyalty, and because their actions would help bring Ivan Sokolov to his knees.

It was amazing how determined someone could be when revenge fed that determination. When the order of protection was issued over Ivan, despite his part in the murder of a boss, shock stretched out across the communities. However, the truth was, Locca Kolikov was an evil, self-centered, killer. He murdered Ivan’s father, mother and brother. Although there was a process to follow to bring charges against Kolikov, none of those rules had been initiated, or applied because Kolikov had placed fear in everyone. The circle of bosses was established to ensure no one mo

nopolized, or had the most powerful, but instead it was shared and divided evenly. That didn’t happen as Kolikov took over, threatened, and even killed to gain control.

Somehow Ivan manipulated the system. While in hiding, he began to establish his own power, and at precisely the right time, he struck. Aiden was jealous of that, just as Ched was, and of course Locca Kolikov’s family. Some of them were doing the same type of planning. Manipulating buyers, establishing his line of informants, supporters, and muscle. Ultimately, those members of the Kolikov family wanted to pull power away from Ivan, diminish his position within the families as head, and do like his brother had, and be king of it all. It could happen, and these small robberies, deals under the table, and gathering a small army, could pay off in the end. Aiden was smack in the middle of it all.


Annabella was nervous as she arrived for work. She didn’t know what to expect after the stupid situation at Carlotto’s. When she entered, Murphy and Zinc said hello, not indicating that they had heard anything, and then she bumped into Lucca.

He raised both eyebrows up at her and then shook his head and smirked. “You sure don’t listen to advice well.”

She exhaled as he took one of her bags from her. She cringe, her wrist aching. She put on several bracelets to try and cover it up and she felt like she did a good job of that.

“What’s with all the bags again?”

“I took the train. I’ll need to go to the café later.”

“That isn’t going to happen.” He said and pressed the button for the elevator.

“Listen Lucca, I didn’t cause any of the problems that went down at Carlotto’s the other night. I’m not going to ponder over it either. My focus is this job, and getting a paycheck, anything else doesn’t matter.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Maloney is a dick. He thinks he can get any woman he wants into bed, and also get involved with any business he wants to make money. He isn’t trustworthy.”

“I understand and I really don’t care because I don’t plan on talking to him unless it has to do with this club and my job.”

The elevator doors opened and they got out. Quarters gazed over her body as usual. She gave him the once over. “Good evening Quarters.” She said to him.

He tilted his chin up and grunted. That was progress.

Lucca unlocked the door and they entered the main area before Griska’s office. She placed her things down under the desk. Tonight she wore a green wrap around dress that hugged her figure perfectly. It didn’t quite show off her abundant breasts but was snug fitting and sexy. She wore a pair of nude open toed heels, and when she walked the front of the dress opened slightly higher revealing more thigh and her tanned skin. She loved that she got to wear such nice things to work, but would definitely look forward to stepping into her sneakers when the night was over and she walked two blocks to the café.

She lifted her hand to move her hair from her cheeks and to make sure it looked good before they went back downstairs.

“What the hell is that?” Lucca gently took her elbow and stepped closer.

“Annabella?” he looked at the bruising. She swallowed hard.

“Maloney did this?” he asked her.