Page 85 of Made In America

Despite the reassurance, Ivan’s gut clenched with uneasiness.

His possessiveness of Annabella was something he never felt before or knew how to handle. Knowing that Commerce, Dante, Roman and the others who were so close to him and whom he trusted, were ready to watch over her should have helped with this uneasy feelings. Instead, it was hard to let go a little, and just let his men do their jobs so he could do his. His success, his business skills, and his organization of all the income ultimately distributed to the other families, were all his responsibility. Hundreds of people needed him. He just needed a way to explain that to Annabella so she could adapt, and accept it all. Could she though? Was it asking too much? Was she capable of being a boss’s woman?

“You’re still uneasy brother. Talk to me. Tell me what you are thinking and perhaps I can help.” Ivan looked at Commerce’s concerned expression.

“I’m afraid this needs to work itself out my friend. Now, let’s get back to business.” He raised the glass of Vodka and Commerce did the same and they clicked glasses the downed them and Ivan didn’t like the concerned feelings growing deeper in his gut. He didn’t like them at all.


“I was worried about you.” Ched Maloney said to Annabella.

She should have known he would try to corner her despite everyone being around. He must have watched her head behind the bar and to the side hallway by the patron restrooms. She could see people right by the hallway entrance, and there were security cameras around as well. She hated that this man unnerved her and also that he could try something just to anger Ivan. She wouldn’t be the center of some sophomoric game of jealousy.

“Worried about me? Why?” She asked and began to pass him.

He gripped her wrist and she tightened up. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He eyed her dress.

It was sexy, revealed a bit more cleavage then she would wear and it was tight too so it showed off her figure. Everyone had complimented her on it this evening and Roman was all smiles about that.

“It wouldn’t be a wise thing to do. I don’t want any trouble.”

“Oh, then your decision to spread your legs for a man like Sokolov wasn’t too smart.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“About saving his life and his guard’s lives when that low-life wannabe decided to steal drugs here and hold you by gun point. I know all about it. You don’t realize the power I have, Annabella.” She squinted at him.

“Don’t bother to lie. Word travels fast. There’s always people around to get accurate information.” He stroked her arm and then her hip. She stepped back only to hit the wall. He licked his lips and eyed over her breasts, again.

“He will throw you away when he is done using you. Just as he’s done with the others.”

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“I need to get back to work.” He narrowed his eyes at her and it gave Annabella the chills. “You remember something Annabella, I’m the kind of man who always gets what he wants. No one, nothing can stand in the way of that.” He stared into her eyes and before she could think of anything to say, she heard the male voice and jumped.

“Annabella, is there a problem over here?” Lucca asked hurrying toward them.

She stepped aside and hid the fearful sensation Ched Maloney gave her, and felt his hand slide to her hip and over her ass before she could get away and walk toward Lucca.

“No problem. Ched wants to buy a very expensive bottle of Patron. He said to put it on his tab and bring along six glasses for him and his guests.” She said and as she glanced over her shoulder at Ched, he chuckled. She locked gazes with Lucca, “The most expensive.” She added, with attitude and Lucca squinted but walked with her out of the hallway and right by Roman.

“All good?” Roman asked her and she nodded, but Roman looked at Ched. “Mr. Maloney, did you need something?”

Ched gave Roman the once over and looked at him like he was as low as the crud on his designer shoes as he walked by and headed through the crowd. She exhaled. “That man wants you Annabella. If he threatened you in any way you need to tell Mr. Sokolov.”

“No Lucca. It’s fine. Let’s get back to work.”

Annabella really needed to talk to Louisa. She had an understanding of men like Ched Maloney, and the whole organized crime mentality. If she was going to be the woman of a made man, then she needed to learn to be on guard, to say the right things, and to know what her reaction should be. She rubbed her temples, worried about being out of character for herself. She never pretended to be someone she wasn’t. She shot from the hip most of the time. She had a big heart and didn’t want to see the evil side of people, yet she wasn’t naive.

Well, not entirely, anyway. She had a lot to learn. She was willing to do that though. She cared for Ivan so much, and what they shared definitely connected them beyond a normal relationship. Normal? What the hell am I thinking? There is nothing normal about this. She looked toward where she knew Ivan sat. This empty, uneasy feeling in her gut and core tugged at her emotions, made her want to run to him, to be with him, in his arms, his hands on her body, his breath against her skin. Her nipples hardened, other body parts reacted to her thoughts alone.

Get a grip woman. You can’t let him have such control over you. Focus on work. That will get me through the next few hours.

A while later as Annabella finished helping Dmitri at the bar, she was deep in thought about this relationship with Ivan and how she didn’t want things moving so fast. She should head home tomorrow and let him take care of his business over the rest of the weekend. Maybe consult with Louisa like she was thinking earlier. She heard him talking to Dante about some gala event next Saturday. She had made plans with her friends to head to Carlotto’s again. It would be smart to ease into this relationship.

“Annabella?” Dmitri said her name and touched her arm.

She gasped. “Yes.” She said.