Page 81 of Made In America

“Codor is cooking up a storm.”

“Of course he is. He wants to impress Annabella. He likes her, just as the rest of us do. That should bring you some peace of mind.”

“I will think things through before I make a decision on anything. Thank you for the discussion.”

“I am always here for you Ivan. She is special, and obviously in many ways that you deserve. We will keep her safe.” They both turned to hear the clicking of shoes coming down the hallway.

“Shall we eat after you have some alone time with her?”

“No. You’ll all join me as usual.” He said and was back into his role.

“Good morning Annabella.” Dante said to her.

“Good morning.” She replied and Ivan looked her over in the outfit Roman had picked out for her. He could see her cheeks blush, she was embarrassed and it affected him so.

“You look beautiful. I must thank Roman for his choice in attire.” He said and stepped closer, brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

“Breakfast in five minutes.” Codor called from the kitchen.

“Hungry?” he asked her, staring down into her stunning green eyes.

“Yes.” She said and shyly looked past him towards Dante and then she stepped closer and whispered. “Are the others joining us?” She asked. He slid his arm around her waist and cupped her cheek.

“Yes. You will learn to get used to their presence.”

“But this morning, after we… just after last night?” She asked. He stared down into her eyes.

She was so inexperienced, so precious, and he felt once again like he didn’t deserve her, but letting her go was not an option.

“This is my world, Lyubimaya, and you must learn to adapt, to obey my orders and commands. It will take time to adjust, there will be much for you to learn, but you must obey my orders, my rules. Understood?”


“Annabella?” he raised one of his eyebrows up at her.

“Well, that’s kind of hard to automatically say yes to, Ivan. I don’t know what you mean about obeying rules and commands. I mean will they be something to make me feel uncomfortable, or get hurt by?”

“Just accept them and my authority, and remember any rules I instill are for your safety. You’ll learn to understand them, to accept them. Now let’s enjoy breakfast before we plan our day.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly.

As he pulled her close, slid his hand along her ass and squeezed he thought about making love to her again. About stripping her of her clothing and exploring every inch of her body. She was already becoming an obsession in less than twenty-four hours. He eased back and held her gaze as the others joined them. He guided her into the kitchen and seating area and Coda smiled wide.

“Good morning Annabella. This is yours right here.” Codor said and placed a picture perfect plate of food down in front of her.

“Wow, this looks so good. Thank you Codor.” She replied and Ivan sat next to her as the others joined them, not saying a word but good morning to both him and Annabella. Except for Roman.

“How do you like the clothes?”

“Very nice Roman. Thank you.” He smiled.

“And was I right on the size?” he asked and winked.

“Perfect.” She said.

Ivan looked at Roman who winked at him and then whispered, “Lucky bastard.”


Annabella watched and listened to Ivan as he spoke in Russian on the phone. It sounded so serious, his eyebrows furrowed and he looked at the computer and threw his hand up in the air. He was definitely getting irritated. She looked out at the city skyline, taking in the sight of the gorgeous view. A million dollar view and then some. Up here they were on top of the world, or so it seemed. It made her think about her life, about the connection to Ivan that neither of them expected. She could get all deep and serious about this coincidence, or perhaps fate if she believed in that.