Page 80 of Made In America

“Fuck. My head wasn’t in it last night. I would have asked you to provide coverage to monitor things.”

“Cousin, I had things covered. We all did, and told you to let go and finally take what you want and desire. Why do you think I know about these shipments?” Ivan exhaled, glanced back toward the bedroom.

“I don’t know if it will matter, but Griska called when he heard about you basically whisking Annabella off her feet and out of the club. Alex heard as well and it seems that Annabella’s family owned the shop next to your parents’ years ago. Now, I don’t want you to panic and to think that she is a set up…”

“I know.” Ivan said to him.

Dante squinted. “You knew about this?”

“I knew last night, as we spoke. I was shocked to say the least.”

“Are you concerned about her loyalty?”

“No. She was a victim, Dante.”


“She was caught in that explosion. She watched her family die, and she was burned and almost didn’t make it out alive.” Ivan saw Dante clench his teeth.


“She has a scar along her hip from it. She had no idea that it was my family that owned the shop, nor any idea that it was Kolikov that set that bomb up as a hit.”

“You told her?”

“Things fell into place. I was shocked Dante. Shocked, because I thought she wouldn’t know or understand my work, my actions in this life. I never expected her.”

Dante stared at him. “This is more than just sex. Just a woman you’re attracted to? That’s what you’re saying to me?”

Ivan didn’t respond. He didn’t talk about emotions. He was always being strong, fierce in his attitude with his walls up so no one knew his thought process.

“Cousin, after all we’ve gone through together, and knowing I would give my life for you just as the others you surround yourself with would as well, talk to me. Tell me what is going on.”

“I don’t deserve her. To feel what I feel so strongly. I could get her killed.”

“We will protect her with all we have. You say the word, you stake claim to her as your woman and no one can touch her. If they do then they suffer the wrath of hell and beyond. An order of protection from Ivan Sokolov will speak volumes.”

“Yes it would, but it would also make her an even bigger target for those enemies who have been looking to find my weakness.”

“So I take it things went very well last night that you consider her a weakness?” he teased slightly.

Ivan stared at him and Dante squinted. “Ivan, it’s normal to take a woman so beautiful, so sexy to bed and have feelings instead of doing your business and then walking away. I knew

the moment you locked eyes on her that she was different. That you were too. All your sacrifices, all you have done for the families, for each of us, you deserve happiness. Take things slow with her. You don’t know how long this will last. She’s young, perhaps she hasn’t had as many experiences as you…”

“She was a virgin until last night. Her scar a reason why she never let her guard down or trusted, trusted a man to take from her body.”

Dante’s eyes widened. He was speechless as Ivan held his gaze, narrowed his eyes at his cousin and spoke his mind.

“Understand me now? There are connections here beyond sex, beyond intimacy with her. Our families, our pasts have ties. I feel barbaric for even thinking my thoughts, my possessiveness and need to keep her close, to know she is mine and all mine, and would like nothing more than to tell you to get her things from her home and bring them to the house. That she will be living with me. But I can’t do that to her. She doesn’t understand our world, and she will need to learn it. Learn the rules. How do I approach this Dante without coming across as a possessive mad man? How? To what extent do I enforce the rules? What do I start with today? How do I explain? This is why I am so quiet, so serious right now.”

“I understand completely. This is a process you never expected to face. You closed yourself off emotionally to everyone. You trust very few people, you don’t expose yourself to vulnerability, but now faced with that vulnerability you want to handle it like you handle business and all other aspects of your life.”

“Damn straight.” He said to him. “I may not know much about this, but knowing Annabella, her strength, her stubbornness, and intelligence, and I’m pretty sure the barbaric approach, extreme demands, and attaching a leash to her is out of the question and might backfire on you.”

“Agreed.” Ivan said and looked out the large windows and across the city skyline.

“How about starting off with some food? The poor woman is probably starving.”