Page 72 of Made In America

“See, an honest opinion, Annabella approves.” He said and rubbed his jaw again.

“Great Annabella, now he’ll be telling everyone how good he looks.” Roman said and they guys added their comments.

“So, does anyone need anything?” She asked and they all just looked at her, Dante nodded towards Ivan, who she was purposely avoiding.

She looked at him and his eyes were narrowed at her.

“Come have a seat. Since you’re doing shots with patrons tonight, you’ll do one with us.” He said very seriously as the guys cheered and then started pouring shots and passing around the glasses.

He looked at her and nodded toward the seat next to him and she got his message. She sat down, crossed her legs, the dress gaped open a little further revealing a bit more cleavage than when she stood, and he noticed. So did the others. She didn’t know why she wanted to get under his skin. Perhaps she felt like he had all this power, these capabilities and that he wanted her to throw herself at him like other women did. Like the ones who came by his table earlier and of course Cassandra, who definitely rubbed Annabella the wrong way.

She was tough, and she was determined to not be used or hurt, so when they passed her the shot glass, she eased back against the chair hoping she looked sexy. The slit in her dress was facing Ivan and his hand went immediately over it. She didn’t react as they made a toast and then downed the shots.

The men started talking about some kind of event coming up. A boxing match or something. From there they got into a discussion about military operations and some close calls. She was shocked by the stories they told, and impressed with the camaraderie.

“So you were all in the military together? How long ago was this?” She asked.

The guys were silent and then Commerce gave her a small smile. “More than ten years ago this guy got out, leaving me on my own to train these two bone heads.” Commerce teased Striker and another guy, she thought his name was Cole. She hadn’t really met him yet.

“Too far in the past to even talk about.” Ivan said.

Her attention went to Ivan as he squeezed her knee and then slid his palm along her skin

. She glanced at him and he turned slightly, slid his arm over her shoulder as two of the guards stood behind her as if blocking anyone’s view. It kind of bothered her, because it was like he didn’t want anyone seeing him show her affection or interest. It shouldn’t though because this was a bad idea and she knew it. He knew it too. Had to realize that she wasn’t easy. God, the man might shove her away entirely if he knew she was a virgin. She shifted on the seat and he pressed his palm over her thigh and drew her closer. Leaned into her as he moved the hand that was behind her shoulder to under her hair and towards the bump there.

“This is dangerous, and not a smart idea at all, yet as you said upstairs, nothing else seems to matter when it’s like this. When we’re this close.” He whispered.

She had to stand her ground here. He was hiding his whispers to her and how he caressed her knee. She glanced at the others to see what they were doing and none watched them.

“Eyes on me Annabella.” He ordered and she looked at him, squinted showing her anger and resistance to this.

To his tone, to how attractive he was and how he turned her on. What was wrong with her? Why him? Why like this? She pressed her hand over his and turned to the right to check on the bar, but a wide suit of black, a guard was in her way.

“You’re dismissed when I dismiss you.” He raised his voice.

She knew the men heard him and she looked at him. “Is that so, Mr. Sokolov? Is that what you’re used to from other women? Their acquiescence, to your orders, your charms, your games, and commands? You think all women will accept such treatment or better yet, that I would?” She asked.

“I would suggest lowering your tone and not bringing further attention to this table than there already is.”

“Perhaps it would be wiser for me to get back to work. I am the help, after all.” She said and then felt like an idiot. Especially as Dante smirked and then took a sip of vodka.

“You’re more than the help, Annabella. We went over this upstairs. Do not challenge me for no reason.”

“No reason huh? Okay Mr. Sokolov, what is it that you want, that you need this evening?” She asked him, turning towards him.

His fingers clenched her hair and head, and he moved his mouth closer. “What I want? What I really want but shouldn’t?” he asked and she narrowed her eyes at him.


“You. Coming home with me tonight, in my bed, underneath me in an attempt to get you out of my head.” He pressed his mouth to hers and kissed her. When he got his fill and pulled back, the table was silent. He stared at her and tears filled her eyes.

“Gentleman, I have myself a situation.”

“You do what you like, go after what you want like always, and we will provide the protection needed.” Dante said to him.

He looked at him, at Roman, Mirnon, Rogan, then Commerce, Striker and the others who she didn’t know. She looked too, and sensed the undertones, the unsaid words. There was a deep connection between Ivan and all these men. She looked back at Ivan.

“Semper Fi bro. Marine style, go for it!” Commerce stated firmly and she didn’t know what he meant when suddenly Ivan looked determine as he stood up, took her hand and moved the chair.