Page 71 of Made In America

“You sure are beautiful. Please tell me you’re single. I’ve met nothing but gold digging, lying, cheating women for the past two years. I’m a great guy, loyal and everything.” He said to her so very seriously.

“I work three jobs and barely get enough sleep, but don’t worry, I’m told that eventually the right person comes along and when they do, you know it, and nothing else matters.” She said to him.

“Can you be that one for me?” He asked and smiled.

She chuckled as Brook set down the glasses and Annabella glanced over toward the table being cleaned up and prepared for Mr. Sokolov’s friends. She also saw all of their eyes on her and no more women were near the men. She quickly looked back as she felt the guy’s palm slide a little lower. She stepped to the left.

“So there was this guy named Harry who walked into a bar down on 3rd Avenue and hadn’t a clue as to where he was. You see he had a few drinks with his buddies, but the night was young and he was feeling pretty good, so he stumbled along to this club by himself.” She continued to tell the story as she opened the bottle and poured them all shots, as she finished the joke and came to the punch line they all roared with laughter and she raised her shot glass.

“To not always knowing where you’re going, who you’ll meet along the way or where you wind up, but instead on the friends you make, the dangers you overcome, and the enjoyment of the ride in life or in bed. Cheers!”

“Cheers!” They all screamed out and she down the tequila and they continued to ask her questions. They were insistent on her joining them so she told a few more jokes, listened as they told some too, until the guy who had remained next to her had his buddy on her other side and they were both making moves.

“There you are.” She gasped as a strong arm wrapped around her mid-section and Lucca appeared. “If you’ll excuse us gentleman, Annabella is needed elsewhere. Enjoy the drinks.” He said to them and they said thank you to her and then began to chant her name as Lucca escorted her away. He started laughing.

“Mr. Sokolov is pissed. You need to bring a bottle of vodka to his table. He wants you delivering it.” He gave her hip a tap. “Good job on getting those guys to vacate the table, unfortunately you got another whole table of men vying for your attention.”

“What do you mean?” She asked and he nodded toward Ivan’s table and sure enough all the guys were there and Ivan, Dante, Roman and even Commerce were staring at her. As she went towards the bar some guy stopped her.

“Hey beautiful, what does a guy have to do around here to get a private table and some shots with you?” he asked her.

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, I just do what the bosses tell me to do.” She continued walking.

She glanced at Lucca who stopped walking, and saw him step towards the guy. Turning, she found the guy staring at her body, licking his lips and asking for her number. Lucca pointed at the guy for him to turn around and then Murphy was there. Some words were exchanged. She didn’t understand why they were making such a big deal about the guy’s flirtatious comments or looks. Since working here that kind of behavior was a continuance occurrence and she handled things on her own.

“Hey, we got it covered. You okay?” Zinc, the other bouncer asked her, coming from her left.

“What are they doing? It wasn’t a big deal, the guy is a little drunk.”

“And three times the size of you. We protect our own around here, and especially you, Annabella.”

“What do you mean especially me? You do know I can handle myself, even if things were to get a little physical?”

“Not anymore. Murphy and I failed you once and that won’t happen again. You’re important around here, and to all the bosses. You risked your life for them. That says more than you know. Let me walk you to the bar.”

“I have to grab some things for Mr. Sokolov. And for the record, you and Murphy didn’t fail me. I allowed my temper, my lack of understanding on how things work around here and being resistant, to put me into a compromising position. It all worked out.” She said and gave his arm a tap as they got to the bar and Dmitri passed over two bottles of special vodka.

Annabella then headed to the large tables of men, her eyes going to Ivan’s but then Commerce and Striker greeted her. Striker took the two bottles of vodka from her hands and Commerce pulled her into his arms. He whispered into her ear.

“You look stunning as always.” He said and let his hand glide across her lower back nearly to her ass.

She gave his shoulder a light slap. “And you are such a flirt. How did things go with my friend, Louisa?”

“She’s a character, and tough too. Vincent offered Selena a job.”

“What?” She asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

“I overheard them talking.”

“Where’s my hello, gorgeous?” Striker asked and she turned toward him and he pulled her close so her back was facing Ivan. “How is your head? You aren’t pushing yourself too much?” He asked and she smiled at Striker.

He was hardcore serious, had gruff along his chin, but he made it look sexy not sloppy. She could tell he was a soldier with that crew cut hairstyle, and was surprised he was growing a beard.

“I’m good, and what is this?” She asked and stroked the hair on his cheek.

He smiled as he slightly pulled back so he could stroke his own cheeks. “You like it?”

“What’s not to like?” She asked and winked. He pulled her close and turned her toward the others.