Page 64 of Made In America

“Something wrong?”

“Nothing. Are you going to head into the city?”

“More than likely, and before we get to Gables we’re stopping in at Carlotto’s. Vincent’s uncle Marsal has money for us for last night’s job.”

“Very good, then I’ll probably see you there.”

“How is Annabella? Has she come back to work yet?”

“Not yet. If she had things her way from what Griska told me, she would have been back days ago.”

“She needs to take a concussion like that seriously. As you know, we saw her last night at a local bar in town.” Commerce told Ivan.

Ivan found out from Denver that men were hitting on her, asking her out and that Commerce stepped in. The thought of her with another man, being flirted with by other men got under his skin something terrible. What was it about the woman that did this to him?

“Do you have any more leads in the situation from that whole incident?” Commerce asked.

“Nothing concrete but getting closer.”

“Whatever you need from us we’re in. Annabella is a sweet young woman with a big heart. Any of us would be more than willing to protect her.” Commerce said to him and once again Ivan felt that jealous feeling but deeper. It seemed to get worse as the days went on not seeing her.

“As others have offered as well.” Ivan responded and looked back at his cell phone.

“I have to get going. I have a meeting in the city. I’ll see you tonight.” They shook hands and Ivan headed out with Dante and Roman.

“We have a little problem.” Roman said as they got into the SUV.

“What’s that?”

“Denver texted that Annabella and two of her friends are heading to the city to meet Vincent Carlotto at the club. Then she’s going to work.”

“What?” Ivan asked, eyes narrowed.

“They were going to take mass transit and Denver figured you would rather he accompany them so he drove.” Roman said to him.

Ivan was silent.

“You’re seething with jealousy, cousin, yet you won’t make a claim to her or at minimum, fuck her out of your mind. What’s the deal?” Dante asked him.

“There is nothing between us, my concern is her being drawn into a position in Vincent’s family’s club that will make her more of a target then being a manager at Gables. You know as well as I do that word will get out on what happened.”

“And more than likely she will be given a respect she won’t understand or even recognize.” Dante countered.

“She will be more of a target for her involvement.” Ivan said to him.

“You’ve assigned security to her, it’s pretty much a given that she is important.” Roman added.

His cell phone rang and he saw that it was Marcollies. He answered the call, speaking in Russian and discussing business. That was what he needed to focus on, not how this one woman invaded his every thought and had him thinking of doing things and feeling things he thought were dead and gone.

“We need to meet. Tonight.”

“At Gables?”

“That’s fine. See you there.” Ivan told Marcollies and then ended the call.


Salena and Louisa remained at Carlotto’s, and it seemed that Selena and Vincent really hit things off and they didn’t want to leave. Her friends were enjoying the royal treatment once again, but Annabella wanted her first night back at Gables to run smoothly so she wanted time to get there a little early, and go over things with Lucca. The offer from Vincent was tempting. Two days a week and a night that ended at a decent hour was definitely appealing, however in the back of her mind she remembered Ivan’s warning about not taking the job and being offered full time at Gables. That was something she needed to discuss with Griska, as well as with Sam and Bernice at the Point Café. She felt badly for having to quit, but it was for the best.