Page 63 of Made In America

“Are you really considering working for Vincent at his family’s club?” He asked and took another sip of beer.

She shrugged her shoulders. “I think it will be best to break up the week.”

“Break up the week, or distance yourself from the boss?” He asked.

“It may be safer.” She replied and then stared off as if upset.

He knew that Ivan had been harsh with her and demanding. That was his way. There was a lot at risk and Ivan was even more grouchy and insensitive after the incident at the club and Annabella getting hurt. He also knew that people in the family were trying to back stab him and he wouldn’t rest until he figured out who and caught them. It was a dangerous time and they all needed to be on guard.

Just then a group of guys entered the bar and immediately waved hello to the women and then to Annabella. “Annabella, it’s so good to see you and not at the café working? Where were you the last week?” Some guy asked and leaned down to kiss her cheek hello.

She pulled back immediately, indicating she wasn’t really comfortable with accepting the kiss. As he carried on along with three other guys Commerce realized they were flirting and maybe even asked her out before but she declined.

Commerce placed his arm over her chair and her shoulders as he leaned in really close. “Problem over here darl

ing?” he asked and winked. She smirked.

The guys gave him dirty looks as they ordered some beers.

“Locals, so if you want to fit in, you may want to play nice.” She whispered and then smirked.

“Is this a friend of yours?” The one guy asked, placing his hand on the back of Annabella’s chair.

“Oh how rude of me, Lenny, meet Commerce.” She said and began to introduce the guys.

Before long they were all engaging in conversation, and then Lenny and the other three guys were trying to make a move on Annabella. Then Denver came over and told them to take a hike and that she was off limits. Commerce chuckled but Annabella nearly growled.

“I’m glad you think this is so funny.”

“I’m not laughing at you honey. Just wondering when the boss is going to take matters into his own hands and make a move instead of making your bodyguard step in.”

She stared at him. “Not interested.” She said and he could tell she was lying. Between Ivan and Annabella, their combined stubbornness was going to make watching the courting process very interesting.


Ivan showed Commerce and Striker around the new building in Stony Point. The sound of saws, nails being hammered and the smell of fresh paint filtered through the air. In a matter of weeks the construction company had the place looking entirely different. Ivan had used Carlotto’s construction company for years. The owner was a cousin of Vincent’s. They headed to the finished part of the building where the main offices were.

“Hoping to have the rest of the furniture delivered by next week once the painting begins. I think you’ll find enough space down here for the face of the security business. Now, about these men you want to hire, will they be in the states, here in New York in time for training next week?” Ivan asked Commerce.

“Everyone except for Cole. He’ll be a day late. He went on a mission two weeks ago but got word that he’s wrapping things up. You were okay with the background checks? No concerns, Ivan?” Commerce asked him.

“None, if anything they are all over qualified.”

“They’re all in the same boat like us. Tired of the job, of the lack of support and the even closer calls. It’s time.” Striker said to him.

“Very well. I’ll leave you two in charge as we discussed along with salaries. Those can change as the company increases our clientele list. I know you had to get started on a few small jobs this week, and without the building and offices in place you may feel a bit displaced.”

“Not a problem Ivan. It all went smoothly. In fact that one client was very impressed and we’ll be providing security this upcoming weekend.” Commerce told him.

“Very good. So you’re both okay with this? And feel you’re getting a grip of the more serious clients and protection needed?”

“You mean for the Marcollies?” Commerce asked.

“They’re family, as you know, and Alex Marcollies has gained a few enemies in the last few years because of his hands in some money making projects that are risky.”

“He steals valuable paintings and then sells them on the black market. Kind of asking for trouble don’t you think?” Striker asked.

Ivan nodded. “Not our problem. We provide security for most anyone. The more risky the security detail the more they have to pay. Which is why I’m not hiring local cops. I need well-trained, military, professionals and beyond. You all are beyond and that will make this a success for all of us.” He looked at his cell phone and narrowed his eyes.