Page 32 of Made In America

“That place looks awesome.” Eve said and walked over to the counter to pour herself a cup of coffee.

“Hey we need more Sumatran reserve, can we add that to the list?” Eve asked.

“I got it. I’m doing the shopping today so if you think of anything else, text me by 10:00. I’m hitting the store and then running to the mall to find something to wear tonight.” Annabella told them.

“I can come with you. I’m working from home today so all I need is like three hours to get shit done. If I go on

line after breakfast I’ll be good to go after you get back from the supermarket.” Maggie said to her.


“Hey, on the Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter, on club highlights, it says by invite only.” Louisa said and looked at Annabella.

“Well I have the business card. I’ll give Vincent a call and see how it works. Let him know we’ll be there tonight.”

“Okay so text if it’s a definite and things don’t change.” Salena said to her.

“I will.”

“Hey either way we’re going out. We could always hit Annabella’s club, I bet you can get us hooked up with drinks there.” Louisa said and gave her a wink.

“I don’t really want to go hang out there on my last night off. Besides, it really isn’t a place to dance up a storm and let loose.”

“It is a place to pick up hot wealthy guys though, huh Annabella?” Alexa teased her. She felt her cheeks warm.

“I told you guys that I’m not going to entertain any of the men who have asked me out or who have hit on me.”

“You’re out of your mind. If some sexy hot, Russian dude was all over me, flirting and watching me I would jump at that opportunity. Hell, I want to see a picture of him.” Louisa said to her.

“Well I don’t have one and I’m not going to have a fling or a date with anyone who frequents Gables. So drop it and move on.”

“Prude.” Louisa said to her.

“Slut.” Annabella chimed back and they all laughed.

Louisa leaned back in her chair, her expression cocky as she smirked. “I’m not the one who is bursting at the seams to feel an orgasm. Just saying, from your description of the man and the other men who frequent Gables, you could be in ecstasy as you lose your virginity.”

“I could also wind up in over my head or could lose my job when one of those men who may be important to the owners of Gables decides he wants me out of his sight after I fall into bed with him?”

“So he’s not worth it?” Maggie asked.

Annabella thought about that a moment and of course they all carried on because she hesitated to reply.

“Holy shit, he’s that hot, you would go for it wouldn’t you, even if it cost you your job?” Allie asked.

Then she cleared her head. This wasn’t some romance novel or a movie, this was life. She waited this long and it would take someone pretty damn special to get her to let down her guard and see her naked, scar and all.

“No one is worth losing a job for and making money to survive. Let me give Vincent a call, and see what I can set up for us tonight.” She said.

“So maybe Vincent is an option?” Louisa asked.

She was surprised at the guilty feeling she had instantly, and then how Ivan popped into her head. What the hell? She got annoyed at herself. That man did not have power over her, or the decisions she made. He wasn’t the one to tell her whether or not to date someone, hook up with them or flirt with them. He didn’t care. He was only concerned over her potentially setting him up. He was paranoid and she didn’t need that.

“Maybe.” She said aloud and Louisa clapped her hands. “Tonight is about letting go and having a good time. Whatever happens, happens.”

They cheered and she laughed. Anything could happen with this crowd, and she was up for some fun too. So why did she suddenly feel nervous and like she was doing something wrong, instead of doing something fun?
