Page 30 of Made In America

She unlocked her doors and placed her things inside and then felt the hand on her hip. She turned to look way up at Ivan, the good-looking, six-foot plus, Russian, and he sure looked angry. He slid his palm up her arm to her neck then cheek, and she felt every sensation his hand traveled.

“Do you not realize the dangers you are placing yourself in commuting all alone like this? Waiting at the café for two hours, taking the early bus two blocks away and then the early train back to this? To an empty parking lot where anyone can grab you?”

“Mr. Sokolov, I can—”

He cupped her cheek and stroked her chin with his thumb.

She froze, her eyes widened and her nipples tightened. Was he going to kiss her? She was shaking.

“Do not tell me about your training, your self-defense, or the jogging that you do protects you from harm.” He said sliding his other hand along her waist.

He was close and her heart began to race. All she could do was stare up into his eyes. She was awestruck by the attraction she felt and his masculinity. Those dark eyes, the seasoned expression, his fierce, commanding tone were all turn-ons for her. He felt hard, like steel, and it aroused her entirely too much, but then his words sunk in. Jogging?

“Wait, how do you know I jog and train?”

“Do you think I wouldn’t look into you, into who you are and what you could possibly be after?” he asked sounding accusatory and obnoxious, like her question was stupid.

“After what? What do you mean look into me?” She snapped back at him.

“I know many things about you, Annabella. Your schedule is easy to infiltrate.”

She gulped and went to pull back but his hold on her hip firmed, the one on her cheek lowered.

“You’ve been watching me?”

“I’ve had people watching you. Learning your routines and making sure you’re legitimately who you claim to be.” He stroked her jaw, and stared at her lips.

“I know you jog every morning Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and pass by the sea wall. Which I don’t understand why they call it a sea wall when it’s along the Hudson River.” He said to her and held her gaze.

She was caught up in his eyes, in his hold on her and the way he stared at her lips and she thought of what it might feel like if he kissed her. How big of a mistake would that be? She pulled her brain together for an answer to his question.

“It’s a local thing. Everyone calls it the sea wall. It’s by the water.” She said.

“Hmm.” He stared at her.

She felt him stroke her hip. His hand eased up her back and she could sense how much bigger he was than her. He towered over her in height, in width, even his hand felt huge against her feminine body. She was nervous, beyond intimidated.

“I don’t want any trouble, and I truly don’t need protection.” Her voice cracked. The man had abilities without even speaking. Just standing this close, looking so capable she felt like a mouse and he was a lion.

“I disagree, lubimaya. You need looking after.” The sound of his accent, that Russian word, whatever it meant, made her pussy come alive, her breasts tingle and a need erupt inside of her she didn’t recognize at all.

Before she made a mistake and allowed him to kiss her, his cell phone rang and she stepped back. He released her at the same time, his fingers grazed her ass and she liked it, felt the heat of it, and she immediately was effected by the loss of his touch. The loss of that moment when she could have felt more, or could have made a mist

ake that could cost her the new job. Was she out of her mind? She couldn’t get involved with any man from work. No, she needed to stay clear of that indeed.

He looked at her with the phone against his chest to hide their conversation from the caller. Was it another woman? Why am I jealous? What the hell is wrong with me?

“Be careful driving home.” He said firmly.

He gave a nod toward her car door, indicating he wanted her to get into it and go. She was being dismissed? This felt wrong, yet one look back up at the man and it felt right. Definitely not a good idea to have feelings for a man like him. She got into her car. She looked to see him and his men get into the SUV, his cell phone to his ear, and that dark dangerous expression on his face. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was looking into her, watching her to see if she was trying to pull something on him, or if it were more than that. Like he wanted her for sex and because he was so important and never was seen with a woman, then he wanted a mistress, a lover hidden to the outside world?

Jesus, what the hell am I thinking?

The scariest part was she hadn’t a clue she was being watched, and now she knew. It made her shiver. Yet still she looked back towards him. Her mind on a thousand thoughts as she tried to process her feelings, and the attraction she felt to surely a dangerous, capable, maybe even paranoid, older man like Ivan Sokolov.

When the driver honked the horn she jumped realizing that they wanted her to go first and they would follow. They were still watching over her, or were they seeing where she lived? Or ensuring she wasn’t meeting up with an enemy of his to try and hurt him? Oh God this is not my thing. I avoid confrontations, unless provoked of course. Why did this feel so dangerous, and at the same time arousing? She thought about the fact he had people watching her every move.

Well obviously they knew where she lived, and when she ran, when she worked out at the dojo in town, and perhaps at others times as well. Was he paranoid, or some creepy stalker? She chuckled. Definitely not a creepy stalker, unless God wanted to play a dirty trick on her, and her libido. Holy crap the man was lethal in the sexy department. Her panties were actually wet. Maybe it was the whole virgin thing? She never had sex before. Came close several times, but something held her back, besides that scar along her hip.