Page 25 of Made In America

“Of course, but I am waiting considering that the boss, thinks she is up to something.”

“Well, we’ll see. I wouldn’t go making such a move quite yet. I’m going to head to the back room.”

“Of course.” Griska said and then Dante got up off the bar stool and headed through the crowd. Ivan had already arrived with the others and was in the back room. He caught sight of Annabella and of course her joking with the men at the bar and then conversing with Carlotto and Maloney. He wondered what he was thinking.

He bypassed the guards who watched the door and entered the back room. The music was softly playing in the background, burgundy linen tablecloths adorned several tables that sat around the small room. There was a private bar. One of their own men would be bartending as conversations were private and confidentiality was important.

At least in the beginning of the meeting. Everyone for the most part was standing around. Ivan and Commerce were by the door, their backs towards the wall talking to Lanka Volchek and his business partners. Dante knew that Ivan didn’t trust him, and was still trying to get information on Lanka and that meeting he had with Myran Shaw. Neither man was trustworthy, but Ivan and Dante’s family had done business with them throughout the years and they were both quick to get on Ivan’s good side when Ivan began taking over the powers of the families. Both Myran and Lanka knew to not get in the way of progress.

Ivan caught Dante’s eye and he joined them. They were discussing the success of their most recent business partnership. The export of some black market items highly sought after in Moscow. It’s very profitable.

“And those items we discussed, were they received here without any issues?” Ivan asked.

“They were. We had them delivered to the warehouse in New Jersey. They can be sorted then delivered to wherever you need them to be delivered.” Lanka said to Ivan, and Dante noticed the way Lanka looked at Ivan.

He didn’t really look him in the eyes and he appeared disgusted with him. What Lanka didn’t know was that Ivan was already onto him, and soon enough would confront him on Lanka’s side dealings and attempt to do business behind Ivan’s back. This was a modern day Russian mob, and there was an order of command and Ivan was at the top.


“How’s it going?” Lucca asked Annabella. She looked up at him as she held onto the bar and lifted her foot to rest it on the rung. Her feet were aching a little but the black heels looked awesome with the dress she wore this evening.

“Pretty good I think. Hey, Dmitri didn’t get insulted that I helped him out before did he? Those guys come in asking for their expensive tequila and he was already swamped.”

“Are you kidding me?” Lucca asked and leaned towards the bar, as he looked at her smiling. “Anyone else and he would complain to me and threaten to throw them out. You, he likes. Won’t admit it to you or anyone else, but he does.”

She smirked. “Oh really, how can you tell then?”

“He smirked, and glanced back at you a few times while you did your thing. Griska got a chuckle out of that.”

“Hmm.” She said and then looked around the place making sure that everything was okay.

‘”So what did Carlotto hand you over there? I saw him and Maloney keeping you by the table.”

“Oh, he just invited me to a club. Well, his club I guess or his family’s maybe because you said Carlotto but he introduced himself as Vincent.”

“That’s interesting.” He shook his head. “What are we going to do with you?”

“What does that mean?”

He looked around them and then leaned closer. “Honestly?”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less Lucca.”

“Watch your ass and be smart about who you fool around with.”

“I’m not fooling around with anyone.”

“These men around here, they can basically point to a woman and get her to be their thing for the night or forever how long.”

“Well that isn’t me.”

“So then be careful, you’ve been around here for only a few weeks. You don’t need the problems. That club, in case you’re interested in checking it out, is a hot spot for dancing and rubbing elbows with big shots in all different kinds of businesses.”

“My friends have been asking me to come here or to go to a club somewhere nearby.”

“Are your friends as hot as you?” She gave him a punch in his arm and he laughed.
