Jackson’s eyes narrowed as if he wasn’t sure he believed Ben but he stayed silent for a moment. “Then act like it before you lose her and the baby for good, Ben.”

“Tell me about Hannah, please, Jackson,” Ben pleaded, his eyes full of worry and deep remorse.

Jackson relented and told Ben Hannah’s blood pressure might be skyrocketing due to all the stress and she needed to rest if she didn’t want to miscarry. Grace was taking her to Austin to see Dr. Belle in the morning.

Ben groaned, feeling the deep ache in his chest. He wanted nothing more than to kidnap Hannah and take her to his house until she forgave him. But knowing she was stressed and needed rest made him stay there and talk to Jackson. “Oh, God, all this is my fault. I reacted like an idiot to everyone telling me Dorothy was dangerous.” He told Jackson how Dorothy changed her hair color and was spreading rumors that Hannah was faking her pregnancy.

Jackson let out a few explicit words. “Grace told me about the rumors and how Hannah stood up for herself. I don’t like any of this, Ben. I already called a security company in Austin. I’m having cameras put up in the morning.”

“I told Dorothy if I heard any more rumors about Hannah she’d be the first person to get in trouble. I told her to stay away from me for good, but I’m not sure she’ll listen,” Ben explained, worry written all over his face. “Cameras are good. At least we’ll have proof because I can’t do anything with suspicion and rumors.”

Chapter Fourteen

Hannah sat in bed flipping through a magazine. Molly, who had been keeping her company by snoring at the end of the bed, lifted her head up and barked. Finally someone to talk to. Doctor Belle had insisted she take a few days off work and do nothing but rest. If her blood pressure didn’t go back down she would have to be hospitalized and that scared her. She loved her baby and would do whatever it took to keep him or her safe.

The first day had been fine. She slept the day away and realized how badly she had needed it. But now on the second day she was so bored of just being in her room. Jackson was outside working and Grace was at the diner, then off to the shelter with a promise to update Hannah on every single thing that had been happening there. She had phone calls from Amy, Richard, and Sammie and was touched by the thoughtfulness of her friends.

She heard a light knock on the door and said in desperation, “Come in and talk to me, please.”

Ida opened the door and peeked her head in. Molly sniffed her and let her pass through the door.

“Ben dropped off a gift for you,” she said, holding up a little pink bag with the name Johnson Bakery printed on it. “Jackson won’t let him up here yet. He said you have to agree first.”

Hannah eagerly grabbed the bag and peeked inside. Chocolate covered strawberries, her favorite snack.

Ida sat on the edge of her bed and smiled as Hannah licked her lips. “That’s the first genuine smile I have seen in days. Honey, it’s up to you if you want to talk to Ben or not. You know I stand behind you in whatever you decide.”

Hannah grabbed her aunt’s hand and squeezed it lovingly. “I know and I know I am blessed with a great family. I’m just confused about Ben. I love him and I know he loves me but what if we turn out like mama and papa? Always fighting, or worse, hating each other? I’m not sure I’m strong enough to survive that. Or put a child through that.”

“Oh sweetie.” Ida pulled Hannah into a hug. “You were still young when your parents died and yes, they did fight a lot, but they also loved each other so very much. I hated that they fought in front of you and Jackson but they were so passionate in every aspect of their lives, from their personalities to their love.”

Hannah did remember them always sitting on the porch swing holding hands as she and Jackson played in the yard or them disappearing on the horses for hours. She had been so focused on remembering the bad moments that she had forgotten the good times.

“Even through the arguments they always made up. They loved each other and you and Jackson so much, sweetie. If you love Ben, then try to work things out with him, open up and talk with him about how you feel. Love is scary but it is so worth it. I only had ten years with my Stanly but it was worth every day we had together. I’d do it all over again despite the pain of losing him so young,” Ida continued. Her husband Stanly had passed away from cancer. She had moved in temporarily with her older brother, Hannah’s dad. Then she had stayed around after the death of Hannah’s parents. “You’re a fighter, Hannah, and you’re fighting for yours and your baby’s future. Don’t let Dorothy win.”

“You’re right. Thanks for the talk,” Hannah agreed, sitting up straighter and feeling more hopeful. She looked down at her raggedy old T-shirt that she was wearing. “Give me a few minutes and let him up here.”

Hannah pulled a brush through her hair and changed into a long, ice-blue nightgown. When she heard Ben knocking on her door she sat on the bed and took a deep breath to dispel the nervousness she was feeling. This was a big moment. She had to decide if she and Ben had what it took to make things work or if it would be better to just let him go and stick with her decision. “Come in.”

Ben came in with a hesitant smile. He pulled up a chair and set it close to her bed. He looked tired, as if he hadn’t slept in a while. There were new lines of strain around his eyes, even his smile looked forced.

“How did you know I was craving those?” Hannah reached in the bag and grabbed a strawberry, pulling it out of the bag and biting into it with glee.

Ben smiled. “Grace told me when I called her to check on how you were doing. She’s the only one feeling sorry for me and who will talk to me. Your brother is trying hard not to kick my ass. Richard and Amy look at me like I’m the

big bad wolf. I had Mrs. Johnson at the bakery make them fresh this morning just for you.”

Hannah sunk her teeth into the treat and closed her eyes, munching on the strawberry. When she finished she said her thanks to Ben. “I’ll save the rest for later.”

Ben got up from the chair and sat next to her on the bed. He gently moved her golden hair out of her face and looked into her blue eyes. He looked at the dark circles under eyes and pale colored skin with concern. He kissed her forehead softly then her lips in a soft caress. “I am so sorry, Hannah. I may be a stubborn, blind fool but please never doubt that I love you and now our baby.”

“I know that, but…”

He put his finger on her lip before she could protest. “No buts. I vow right now to stand by you no matter what. You have my love and my loyalty and I am so sorry I didn’t act like it before. This whole situation is my fault. I know that and accept the blame. I will find the proof that Dorothy is behind all this. All you have to do is get better and not worry about it. I can’t live without you.”

“I thought you said she was innocent,” Hannah said, not sure if she believed Ben or not, but she was touched by his simple words stating that he couldn’t live without her.

Ben shook his head and with a voice filled with regret and raw emotion said, “No, I think she is completely delusional. I’m so sorry I accused you of not liking her because you were jealous. I was just frustrated because I felt backed into a corner by everyone. I have no interest in her, I just felt sorry for her and didn’t want to be mean at what I thought was just loneliness. But I swear I will not let her hurt you or the baby, I will protect you both with my last breath if I have too. I have Billy and Stan looking into the situation and Jackson had a security alarm company come out and put cameras up.”