He scooted closer without letting go of her hand. “I want to be part of my child’s life, too. Will you marry me, Mia?” He brushed her hair away from her face so he could see her. Her eyes filled with tears but they didn’t look like joyful tears.
“You are so sweet to offer, but no, thank you,” she finally answered him.
No, thank you? What the hell? Lydia had screamed with delight and threw herself into his arms. Why couldn’t Mia be the same?
“No, thank you?” He needed to hear her answer again to make sure he heard her right.
“I know you’re the type of man to do the right thing, but I am not marrying you out of obligation, Abel. We had a very brief sexual relationship but that is all. I fooled myself in to thinking it was more, so when you broke up with me I was hurt. Sex is not a good base for marriage.” She pulled her hand out of his. “I’m glad you want to be part of this baby’s life. Children need love. I never had that but my baby will.”
“It was more than sex, Mia,” he finally admitted it out loud for the first time. He was done denying his feelings, but now it seemed Mia was going to overlook all they had. Just great. Why couldn’t life go smoothly? “I tried to deny it because I was scared of being hurt. You are nothing like Lydia. I offered her marriage because of the baby only. That is true. I desired her but it ended there. I think of you, not the baby, all of the time, Mia. I miss you so much. I regret everything I did to push you away. I want a do-over.”
Mia gave him a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Maybe it was for the best, Abel. I had stars in my eyes and if it had gone on for any longer, I would have been more devastated then I was.”
“You are not listening to what I am saying,” he said with frustration. She thought he was noble. He wasn’t. He wanted Mia and his baby in his life. “My feelings for you consumed me, but I was weary, too. There was a battle inside my head but finally I feel clear headed. I am happy about this baby, but I want you in my life, too, Mia. How can I convince you I am sincere and not noble?”
“Maybe we can become friends for the baby’s sake, but there is no us, Abel,” she said firmly, looking stubborn.
He could seduce her in a second and wear her down, but he didn’t want to get a yes out of her that she would regret later. For this to work she had to want him, too.
“Me and relationships just don’t mix. I let myself believe Frank loved me and he hurt me physically. I let myself believe you were falling in love with me and you hurt me emotionally. I can’t handle all that mess and concentrate on being a mom. I am so nervous I will mess this up. I never had a mom. What do I know about being motherly?”
Abel saw it was going to be an uphill battle to get Mia to believe him now, but this was a mess of his making. He was not going to get mad. Patience was the key here. He took in a deep breath and exhaled. He wasn’t giving up. “Fine. Friends it is. As for motherhood, I know you will be good at it, Mia. You are smart, loyal, and sweet.”
“You make me sound like a dog,” she muttered, grouchily.
Abel let out a laugh. She never failed to make him smile. When he was with her he didn’t feel old and lonely or stuck in a rut. “You are way sexier than any dog. Especially my Roscoe.”
She threw a pillow at his head but laughed with him. He would take the friendship for now but he had plans. Beware, Mia. You have no idea how stubborn and determined I can be.
Chapter Thirteen
Abel stood in front of his mom with his arms folded across his chest feeling like a schoolboy getting lectured. She had that stern look on her face. “I don’t understand all these modern ways of dating, Abel, and I don’t like it at all. You tell me Mia, Becky’s niece, is pregnant with your child but you are not together as a couple. And what about Jane? She is so intelligent and she goes to church every Sunday. I had high hopes for the two of you.”
Abel had not explained why Mia was really in Brook Hollow. One thing at a time. “You like Jane, but I don’t, Mom. I don’t feel one ounce of attraction for her. Sorry. Mia had my attention from the first second our eyes met. She keeps my interest. But I broke up with Mia because I was scared of my growing feelings. I had to deal with issues from the past. Now she thinks I am wanting her out of obligation. I am trying to fix things, Mom.”
She stopped mixing the chicken dish she was making for his brother’s wedding tomorrow. She wiped her hands on her apron and pointed a finger at him. “Well, I don’t know this Mia. Becky doesn’t say much about her so I will reserve judgement for later. So fix it and soon. I want my grandchild to be a Ramirez.”
“Grandchild? Jessy is pregnant?” Melanie walked into the kitchen and grinned. She took off her jacket and set it on the back of a chair. She kept her scarf on. “Lily never said a word. Not cool.”
“She is not pregnant. At least I don’t think so.” Abel shook his head. There was no such thing as privacy in his family. He should just have ordered a family meeting and told them all at once so they could plan his life out for him. His dad would stay quiet and just nod to whatever his mom said. Lincoln and Jessy knew about the baby. Abel was angry with his brother for not telling him, but he understood when he said Mia asked for time to adjust to the news. She was scared to death Lincoln told him, reminding Abel why she was so fearful of him.
“Oh, who is pregnant then?” Melanie looked confused, opening the fridge and grabbing a can of soda and opening it before she even sat down. “I’m hungry, Mom. Is that Mole’? Can I have some?”
“Don’t you have your own place and food?” he teased his sister. His mom was cooking a traditional Mexican dish for the wedding. It smelled so good his own stomach rumbled.
“Yes, but I can’t cook as well as Mom. I burned the rice yesterday and our neighbor complained about the smoke.” Melanie looked grouchy. “He is such an uptight ass.”
“Melanie. Watch your language.” His mother continued to stir the pot and chastise her daughter all at once. Abel hoped he was a tenth of a good parent as his parents had been to him and his siblings. They had loved the three of them and led them down a good path.
Abel sat across from his sister, knowing he might as well tell her. “Mia is pregnant with my child.”
Melanie sat up straight and grinned. “Awesome, bro. She is a sweetheart. When is the wedding?”
“I’d like to know that, too,” his mother muttered, looking angry with him all over again.
Abel sighed. “I’m working on it. I didn’t treat her well and I broke up with her. Now I have a long road ahead of me to fix things. I could use your help. She likes you. Put in a good word for me, sis?”
She gave him a sympathetic smile. “Sure. Mia, Lily, and I are decorating the hall in the morning. I’ll list all your good points. All two of them.”