Jessy wanted to cry for this young teen, but she held it in. She pointed to the punching bags hanging from the ceiling. “At first I held it in. Silent screams that I never let out, until I couldn’t take it. I felt like I was going to lose my mind. Tom put some gloves on me and pointed me toward the bag and said—let it out, kid, life ain’t fair and there’s nothing we can do to change that. Take that anger and pain and punch that bag until it all comes out.”

“Did it?” Gabe wanted to know. He turned toward her and looked interested in what she was saying.

She nodded with a smile. “It did. I was in here often, hitting those bags. He had one lowered so I could reach it, and it was mine. It was all I had, Gabe. My dad dealt with his grief by working twenty-four-seven. I didn’t have a lot of friends in school so this was my safe outlet and it can be yours, too. Whenever you need it, it’s here.”

“I know, Jessy.” He sighed. “Sometimes life seems to be too much, you know? I have a hard time shutting my mind off.”

“I have my memories of better times. That’s what I hang on to. Not the sadness of losing my mom. I could focus on the fact that she is gone, but I choose to remember her smiles and how we used to dance in the living room,” she said softly. “My mom was so nice, she always had a smile for everyone.”

“Your dad is gone and he may be an ass for not seeing what a great kid he has, but surely you have some good memories of him?”

Gabe thought for a minute, then smiled. “He used to help me build custom bikes in the backyard. We’d spend his whole day off working on those bikes so I could ride them to school and show off my creation.”

Jessy smiled, glad he had some good memories to hang on too. “Then think of those good times. His mistakes are on his shoulders, not yours. It’s his problems that keep him away, and not because of you, Gabe. How about a good workout?”

Gabe looked at the doorway when he heard the heavy steel doors creak open. “Hey, there’s Blake.”

“Good. He likes to be competitive and blow everybody out of the water. Let’s gang up on him and see if we can beat him. Then we can watch him whine and accuse us of cheating,” she suggested with a wink.

Gabe smiled and high-fived her. He looked more cheerful and Jessy hoped her talk with him helped. He was a good kid that needed a push in the right direction. If Tom hadn’t intervened with her, she would never have discovered an outlet by exercising.

“Hey, Rage.” She stood up and yelled out loud so everyone could hear her challenge. “I have twenty bucks that me and my partner here can break your speed on the punching bags.”

He walked up the bleachers easily, as if they were steps. He was already wearing gym shorts and a white sleeveless T-shirt. He grinned at Gabe and then her and snorted.

“A girl and a kid? Yeah right.”

Gabe laughed, crunching his knuckles. “Afraid, Rage?”

“Let’s go,” he challenged with a cocky grin.

He made his way down the bleachers with Gabe running after him, and Jessy took her time. She could use a good workout, too, and get all her frustration of losing Royce out of her system once and for all.

Chapter 13

Jessy looked over at Martin Lopez, her date for Adam’s fight a few weeks later. He wore jeans and a navy-blue polo shirt. He was a handsome man at twenty-nine, with his wavy black hair and brown eyes and tanned golden skin color.

Blake, Sam, Jackson, and Gabe sat down the row from them, talking to Adam’s parents, who were thrilled to be seated so close to their son. Her dad, Royce, and Tom were in the ring with Adam. The fight would start soon but people were still looking for their seats and settling in. “I’m glad you came with me tonight, Martin. This is probably the weirdest date you’ve ever been on.”

Martin laughed and held her hand. They were seated in the first row, as close to the ring as possible. He gave her an excited grin. “Are you kidding? This is the coolest date I have ever been on. I’m the envy of all my friends.”

Jessy grinned as the lights were dimmed low and they announced the first fight. Rock music blared from the speakers as Mad Dog Miller was announced along with his statistics. The crowd roared with cheers and clapping and Jessy added her own whistles as he threw his gloved fist in the air. He had picked up quite a few fans, thanks to all the publicity she had arranged. She felt so nervous for Adam’s sake. She had spotted Destiny with the press and had waved to the young blonde. Adam had grinned when he spotted her. With all these people cheering them on he was bound to win. Next Jonesey was announced as he entered the ring with his own group of people. It was going to be a tough fight, but with Royce training the men she had confidence Adam would give it his all. She crossed her fingers and sat on the edge of her seat to watch the fight.

The bell rang and her nerves were jumbled from all the anxiety. Martin held her hand and she was grateful for the moral support. They had spent some time talking on the phone before she agreed to a date. Martin knew she wanted to date casually and he agreed. He was newly divorced and wasn’t ready to get all hot and heavy, he told her. She still couldn’t wipe Royce out of her mind and it had been more than two months since their night together. She hoped the longing she still felt for Royce faded away soon.

The bell rang, letting them know round one was about to begin. It was such a violent sport, but luckily she was used to it since she had grew up in it. Each fighter would give it their all with no mercy. Adam and Jonesy fought each other with all they had. The hits were hard and you could see the pain in their eyes, but they kept going. She noticed it was hard for Adam’s mom to watch her son getting hit by such a big fighter as Jonesy. Adam’s dad cheered and yelled with the rest of the crowd. “Get him, Mad Dog!”

Before round two started Jessy asked Adam’s mom if she was doing okay. She smiled, leaning on her husband’s arm. “I’m determined to watch it all. I can’t tell Adam I closed my eyes. Not after he worked so hard.”

In round three Adam took several punches to his rib cage and a few to the face. Jessy leaned on Martin. He put his arm around her while she sent good vibes to Adam. She knew he had the talent to win, but Jonesy was one big guy. Just when it looked like Jonesy might win again, Adam threw a surprise uppercut punch. It landed on his adversary’s jaw and knocked him out. The crowd went wild with yelling and clapping when Jonesy didn’t get up again.

Jessy whistled loudly with everyone in the front row as soon as he was declared winner by the referee. They all wore their Camp Daniels T-shirts, even Gabe. Adam threw his hands up in a fist pump and Jessy turned to Martin and hugged him. She felt his arms slide around her waist. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and planted a deep kiss on his lips. He stood still for a minute, then he relaxed and kissed her back.

When it was over, he grinned. “Wow.”

She laughed with joy. “Sorry if that was too forward, but I’m so happy right now.”

“Hell, anytime you’re feeling happy I hope I am around.” He joined in her laughter. She grabbed his hand and led him to the back locker room, where Adam and the group were gathered. His parents were crying with joy and he was looking ecstatic despite his bruises and swollen eye. Destiny was in the room, too, along with other press members. All were waiting for a post-fight interview. She grabbed Destiny and pulled her in front of everyone. “He’ll be so glad to see you.”