Page 8 of Being Free

“Method? You actually call throwing papers down on a desk a method?” She laughed, enjoying being able to tease someone without fear of retaliation.

He chuckled, showing her he was not at all offended by her teasing. “Yes, brat, I call it a method. I am the boss after all.”

“True,” she agreed.

It was only a ten-minute drive to the steakhouse. She was really enjoying seeing a nicer side of Blake instead of just the hard looking man she had met on the first day. He had his hand on her back as they walked side by side and she liked the feel of it there. For a second it felt like a real date but that was a dangerous thought. She had to move on and soon. She could smell his cologne and she liked the fresh scent. She was tempted to bury her nose in his neck and just inhale his sexiness. He held the door open for her to enter first. It was crowded but they found a table in the corner and she was glad it was not in the middle where a crowd of people sat eating dinner and conversing.

Blake convinced her to try a steak and she gave in but replaced the baked potato with a salad. He rolled his eyes but left her order alone when she threatened him with bodily harm if he tried to change it.

“Thanks for taking me out for dinner, Blake. I hate eating alone. You’re not as mean as I thought you were on that first day.” She smiled at him.

Blake smiled and sipped on his soda. He glanced at her across the table. “Gee thanks, Anna.”

“I don’t even know your full name,” He commented casually, too casual. “Is it really Anna?”

She looked scared for a second and bit her lip as if deciding to trust him or not. After a long silence she whispered, “Yes, all my friends call me Anna. That’s all I’m willing to say, Blake, but I swear I am not a criminal here to steal from you.”

She looked around the crowded restaurant as if expecting someone to come out of hiding and grab her.

He reached across the table and held her hand. “You sure have a suspicious nature but that’s okay. I understand. I’m the same way.”

She let out a loud breath and gave him a sad smile. “Once upon a time I was naïve and trusted everyone. I learned the hard way that just because someone seems nice doesn’t mean they are.”

He didn’t want her feeling sad so he changed the subject. “So if I can’t have your full name, at least tell me something about you. What do you like to do?”

He didn’t let go of her hand and she liked the feeling it gave her. It was an innocent touch yet she felt butterflies in her stomach as she gazed across the table. She was curious about him and that was dangerous. Forming a close bond with someone was not healthy for her and especially him. She thought about his question seriously and wasn’t sure how to answer such a simple question. Santiago had taken over her life so much that she wasn’t sure what she really liked to do.

“I like seeing new places. I’ve been to New York, London, and Paris,” she finally answered honestly. “It’s exciting to see a different view and how people live in other places.”

“The places I saw with the military were mostly jungles, rivers, and deserts.” He laughed. “I regret to say none of my missions took me anywhere glamorous but maybe someday I will see Paris.”

Anna smiled and nodded. “It’s a beautiful place with good food and wine. I was there for two weeks and I loved it. I would love to go back someday.”

* * * *

Blake thought she was adorable when she smiled and he wondered if she noticed he hadn’t let go of her hand. He liked the simple contact. She was talking about Paris but he was just admiring her animated face as she talked. Her hair was long and loose and made her look like a seductress. He felt like this was the first glimpse of the real Anna she had shown since he met her. Anna was intriguing and he wanted to discover who she really was and what she liked. He told himself he shouldn’t care. As soon as her truck was fixed she would be gone and life could get back to normal.

He liked the fact that she wasn’t wearing any make-up and she still managed to look beautiful and classy. He had the feeling her ex probably picked out all her clothes. She didn’t look comfortable in them and he wondered how she would dress if she picked out her own clothes. He would hope it would be a pair of tight blue jeans so he could watch her wiggle her butt as he walked behind her. His cock hardened at that thought. He was glad they had a wooden table between them. She would probably freak out if she saw his erection bulging through his jeans. This was supposed to be a friendly date.

The waitress came with their food and he let go of her hand. He had the craziest urge to pull her chair next to him so she would be close enough for him to touch her. It was a crazy idea because he did not do romance. He had taken Jenna out to eat plenty of times but he had never been tempted to just hold her hand. Instead he had been tempted to tell her to shut up once in a while. Now here he sat with Anna and she was so quiet. He found himself asking her questions just to see her smile or her eyes light up when she got excited about something. He told her about joining the military and how close he was to his brothers.

He had to admit he really enjoyed this date. No, not a da

te, he reminded himself. They were just two casual friends eating at the same table.

The only bad moment of the night was when they ran into his ex as they were paying the bill. She was walking in with one of her girlfriends and looked surprised to see him with another woman, especially one as beautiful as Anna. She gave Anna a hateful look and noticed her fancy dress and heels. “A little overdressed aren’t you?”

Anna looked at Blondie’s short blue jean shorts that were so short her ass was hanging out of them and her pink halter top that only went to her midriff. She was tall and very skinny. “At least I’m not underdressed. I think you forgot some of your clothes at home.”

Blake let out a loud laugh that had people looking over at them. Anna was right. She could take care of herself.

“She got you there, Jenna,” he told his ex who looked like she wanted to scream. He put his arm around Anna’s shoulder. “She just doesn’t know classy when she sees it, honey. Let’s get out of here.”

“Bastard,” Jenna yelled loudly but Blake ignored her and led Anna to his truck by the hand, still laughing. He leaned against the truck and pulled her into a hug. The temperature was cooling down a little and there was a slight breeze in the night air.

“Aren’t you going to tell me what rotten taste I have?” he asked. “Believe me, my family and my friends all saw Jenna for what she was before I ever did.”

Anna leaned into Blake’s warm, hard body and let out a tiny sigh. “I have no right to judge you, Blake. My ex-boyfriend makes Jenna look like a walk in the park.”