Page 21 of Being Free

Sam pushed Vic playfully. “Yeah, Momma’s boy.”

Anna couldn’t help it. Victor’s mad face did make him look like a little boy being picked on by his two older brothers. She started to laugh until they all joined in.

Chapter 11

/> Melody put a short, light brown wig on Anna and stepped back to see the results.

Anna looked in the mirror and smiled as she turned her face to the left and to the right. The wig’s hair landed just above her shoulder and was the color of sand. They were in Blake’s bedroom while the men waited out in the living room.

“Wow, Melody. I can’t believe how different I look.”

Melody giggled. “Gone is the sultry sex goddess who can’t help but be noticed. You still look beautiful but more the girl-next-door type of beautiful. And if you wear sunglasses out in public that will really add to the disguise.”

Anna agreed with more confidence. This plan might just work and without anyone getting hurt. “Thanks for your help, Melody. You’re a lifesaver.”

“I hope you come back, Anna, and we can be friends,” Melody replied with a smile. “Us girls need to stick together with these stubborn Murphy men thinking they are in charge.”

Blake walked into the bedroom with a bag in his hand and stopped in mid-step. His mouth just hung open and no words came out, making the two girls laugh hysterically.

He turned Anna in different ways and critically looked at her appearance. “I can’t believe how different you look, but you are still beautiful, honey.”

“I know. That’s what I told her.” Melody smiled.

Blake put his arm around Melody’s shoulder. “Thanks for your help, Melody. Sam is lucky to have you.”

“Hey, get your hands off my woman.” Sam came in to the room and grumbled playfully at Blake. He pulled the petite redhead out of Blake’s arms and into his own. Melody leaned into Sam and he complimented her on her work, giving her a quick kiss.

“We have some jeans and a shirt for you to try on,” Blake said, remembering why he had come in. He handed Anna the bag and they left her alone to change.

Anna put the jeans on and then the light green camisole with matching sweater. It seemed strange to look in the mirror and see a totally different person. If she wore no makeup at all it would also help add to the disguise. Santiago had never liked her being without make-up on.

She walked out into the living room to see everyone’s reaction. They all commented on the dramatic change to her look.

“So we leave in the morning then,” David said, having made all the arrangements. He was staying with Victor at his apartment tonight. “Let’s meet here at seven a.m.”

Sam took Melody home so he could spend some time with her.

“Let’s go to the diner and have dinner,” Blake suggested. “Molly saw Anna yesterday. If she doesn’t recognize her then we’ll know for sure if we have a chance at sneaking into Reno.”

“I need to go home and cancel a date and pack,” Victor said, leaving the three of them alone.

Blake and Anna drove to the diner in David’s rental car and walked in together. Anna had added a pair of sunglasses to her disguise. Molly seated them and greeted Blake. She greeted David and Anna without a flicker of recognition for Anna.

Once they were seated, Anna whispered with relief. She leaned toward Blake and whispered happily, “I think it worked.”

They had dinner and kept the conversation casual. David insisted on paying so Blake and Anna walked outside to wait for him. Anna found a bench to sit on. She took a deep calming breath. Just the thought of going back into Santiago’s territory made her insides clench in fear. But it was necessary if she wanted her freedom and she did. She wanted the chance to be part of Blake’s life and to re-discover who she really was. Maybe get a job and live a normal life without guards or fear.

Blake sat next to her and anchored her body close to his. Anna’s fear was apparent on her face.

“It’ll be okay, honey,” he assured her with confidence, kissing her forehead softly. “How many guards did you always have with you?”

“Two if I was alone and four if Santiago was with me,” she answered quickly. “Why?”

“Well now you have us four guarding that delectable body of yours.” He kissed her neck, making her giggle and relax a little. She leaned her head on his shoulder. Why hadn’t she met Blake years before?

“Well, Blake,” a voice sneered and they looked up into Jenna’s smug looking face. It was obvious she was angry to see Blake with someone else. Jenna smiled but it wasn’t a nice smile. “You sure are turning into quite the playboy. This isn’t the same girl you were with at the steakhouse.”

Anna decided to have some fun. She pretended to be outraged. She changed her voice so it had a country twang to it. She stood up and put her hands over her heart, trying to look mad and not laugh. “Why, Blake Murphy, you scoundrel. You assured me I was the only woman in your life!”