Page 6 of Being Free

“Who says I dumped him?” she laughed, dipping her fries in ketchup. Although she’d never admit this out loud, this lunch was much better than a boring plate of lettuce.

“Because you look like an intelligent woman,” he observed seriously.

Anna felt her cheeks warm up

again but this time with pleasure. No one ever called her smart. Sexy? Sure. Pretty? Sometimes. But never smart. She gave him a genuine smile. “Thank you, Blake. That’s the first nice thing you said to me.”

He looked shocked by her words. “Surely not?”

Anna laughed at his shocked expression. Didn’t he realize how grouchy he looked all the time? “So far you have lectured me, glared at me across the bar for no reason, and ordered lunch without my permission.”

His eyes widened. “You saw me at the bar last night? Why didn’t you at least say hello? That was kind of rude to not even acknowledge me.”

Anna laughed softly. “I saw you and Victor in the mirror but you looked busy with Blondie. A girlfriend?”

He made a horrified face that made her laugh more. “Ex. She is a nightmare and has scared me away from all relationships.”

“You don’t look the type to scare easily.” He looked mean and tough and if she met him on a dark street she would definitely run away.

He shrugged. “I’d rather face a firing squad than get involved with her again. She whines.”

Anna laughed. “Oh my, that is scary.”

Anna finished the rest of her meal quietly, happy to not be eating alone. Blake seemed content to just sit with her, too. It was nice to have company for a little while. Being on the run was lonely but even when she had been with Santiago she had felt lonely. Santiago hadn’t allowed her to have any friends, saying she only needed him. But she didn’t want to think of Santiago right now.

She pulled a five out of her wallet and left it on the table for a tip. She planned on exploring the main street of the town and all the little stores lined up on the block. She stood up and looked at Blake. “By the way, thanks for making sure I made it to my room safely last night. It was really gentlemanly of you but I’m a big girl and can handle myself just fine. Call me when you have more news on my truck.”

She walked away, laughing inwardly as he sat there with his mouth hanging open. Obviously he thought she hadn’t noticed him following her. At first she hadn’t known who it was until she heard him muttering about lecturing her. Once she realized who it was she had felt her heart warm up at the thought. He wasn’t as mean as he looked.

* * * *

His pride took a little nosedive. That little brat was smarter than he had given her credit for. She must have been on alert and paying attention after all. She must have heard him muttering to himself. Then he smiled a real honest to goodness smile. Blake couldn’t remember the last time he had felt amused over anything but Anna made him want to smile.

“Left you speechless?” Molly observed with a loud laugh. She picked up the empty plates and shook her head in wonder. She looked out the window where Anna was walking down the sidewalk. “That is one special woman if she can surprise you, Blake. She’s real classy looking, too. Better grab her up.”

Blake laughed with real amusement that he hadn’t felt in a long time. He grabbed the bill off the table and got out of the booth. He kissed Molly’s cheek. “You’re right, Molly. I might just marry that girl,” he joked and walked up to the register to pay.

He smiled all the way back to the garage making his brother, Sam, look at him strangely. Blake wasn’t known for smiling. Victor, being the youngest, had an easygoing personality and was always joking around. Sam was a little more serious than Victor at thirty-two, but Blake was two years older and hardly ever smiled or joked around. He had always taken his role as oldest brother seriously. Blake had been gone for many years while in the service but once he was ready to retire he had come home and started the garage with Victor.

“You’re in a good mood today,” Sam stated, giving his older brother a strange look. While Blake had joined the Navy, Sam had joined the Army and had just retired a year ago. He came home and bought into the business with his brothers. “Does it have anything to do with the truck’s owner? Vic said she was hot and he thought you two connected.”

“I just got rid of Jenna. I’m not interested in settling down like you, Sam.” Blake snorted. Sam had been dating Melody Anderson, a hairdresser in town, exclusively for months now and seemed very happy and settled.

Sam smiled at the thought of his girlfriend. “Jenna was just a bitch looking out for herself, Blake. You just liked her in bed but were too stubborn to admit it. Not every woman is like her. I enjoy Melody’s company and I trust her, that’s what makes the difference.”

Blake was happy for his brother but he wasn’t interested in settling down. He liked being alone at the end of the day and not having to listen to constant chattering or whining.

“This will run with the new parts we’re putting in but honestly not for too long,” Sam said, getting back to business and wiping his hands off on a towel. “Your client might be better off scraping it and buying a new vehicle.”

“I know,” Blake agreed. “Thing is, the little brat hasn’t been honest with me. She claims she is on some fun summer road trip but I think she is on the run.”

“She sounds like trouble with a capital T. What are you going to do?” Sam asked, knowing Blake probably already had a plan. Blake always had a plan A and a plan B.

“What makes you think I care?” Blake asked, looking at Anna’s rusty truck, wishing he could just scrap it. It would certainly be a lot safer and cheaper for her.

“I think she has caught your interest whether you like it or not and I bet you’re going to help her out unknowingly,” Sam replied in a confident voice. He knew his brother well.

Blake patted his brother on the back and laughed. “Yeah, you’re right, Sam. She does make me curious but I have no plans on getting to know her. I’m just doing some extra work on it that she won’t know about. That will take a few extra days. She seems real anxious to hightail it out of our town. Think I’ll call her and tell her the bad news. She’s staying at the motel.”