Page 17 of Being Free

“Guns?” Blake asked, looking at her with curiosity.

“What? I told you I can take care of myself. I know how to shoot. One of my guards taught me how to shoot and I liked it,” she explained. “I practiced at the range a lot.”

“Yeah, you have some nice pieces, Anna,” Sam admitted then he looked at Blake. “The manager was being nosy when I checked Anna out of her room. He wanted to know if she had a forwarding address and I told him no,” Sam said.

Victor laughed and corrected his brother. “Sam gave him one of his mean looks and the guy paled and stopped asking questions but chances are he’ll call the sheriff.”

Blake nodded. “I called Sheriff Wells myself already and explained Anna’s situation. He agreed to hold off on turning any reports in for a few days if people do call the station. I also called David and he is looking into the situation for me.”

David Samson was an ex-team member of Blake’s and had often come to Shady Grove to visit over the years. He now worked for the FBI in Reno.

Sam smiled. “He’ll get to the bottom of this that’s for sure. He’s the most stubborn bastard that I know.”

Blake smiled and agreed. “Thanks for going with Victor, Sam.”

“No problem. Do you think it will be safe tonight? If not, we can take turns taking watch. I’d feel better myself if we did,” Sam suggested.

“The Sheriff already said he won’t report to the state police yet. I think we’ll be okay tonight and tomorrow David will tell me more.”

“I’m heading out then.” Victor leaned down to where Anna was sitting quietly on the couch and kissed her head. “Don’t worry, Anna, okay?

Anna’s smile was shaky. “Thanks, Victor.”

Sam nodded at her. “Trust Blake to take care of you, Anna.”

Anna smiled at Sam as he left, too.

Blake sat next to her on the couch and pulled her into a hug. “Santiago can’t get here that fast so let’s get a goodnight’s sleep. Tomorrow we’ll talk about our plans but tonight we just relax.”

He made spaghetti for dinner and Anna added a salad. She teased him because he actually had lettuce and tomatoes in his fridge.

“Lettuce goes on a sandwich, not as a main dish,” he explained with a smile, swatting her butt playfully. “Your ex must be blind as a bat. You are so sexy that my heart beats too fast around you,” he admitted honestly.

Anna kissed his cheek as they made dinner side by side. What would it feel like if they could always do things like this together? With Santiago they had always eaten downstairs in his restaurant connected to his casino. “Most women who vacation there are model-thin like your ex, and I don’t fit that bill.”

Once dinner was done cooking, Blake suggested they eat in the living room and watch a movie. “My mom would never let us boys eat in the living room. She liked sitting at the table and having real conversations but once I moved out this became a habit.”

“Your poor mom, raising three boys must have been tough,” Anna commented.

Blake laughed. “Yeah probably but her punishment is pushing us all for daughter-in-laws and grandbabies. My dad is more the mellow type and just leaves us alone.”

They ate and watched a movie. Anna started yawning before it was over so he led her down a hallway and to his bedroom. He opened the door and turned the light on.

A large bed was placed in the middle of the room and a dresser and bookshelf lined the wall. No pictures adorned the walls so obviously Blake wasn’t big on decorating she mused to herself.

“Let’s take a hot shower. That will relax us and help us sleep better,” he suggested

“Together?” she squeaked. She had never showered with anyone before. It seemed like a really intimate thing to do.

He gave her a serious look. “Yes, is that

okay? I can close my eyes the whole time we’re in there. Although I have already seen every naked inch of you and licked most of it.”

That made her laugh. He started stripping his clothes off so she did the same and followed him naked to the bathroom. He turned the spray on to almost hot and they stepped in together. She wet her hair and shampooed it. She watched him grab a washcloth and put soap on it.

Anna smiled when she remembered her fantasy of him showering. Here was her chance to make it come true. Was she going to just stand there embarrassed at being naked? They had already had sex. She squared her shoulders back bravely and grabbed the cloth from him. She smiled up at him with a sensual look on her face.

“Let me,” she whispered and started soaping his chest up and down, taking her time as if enjoying her task. He smiled down tenderly at her but left her alone. She did his back and squeezed his perfectly rounded ass cheeks.