Kari cried happily with relief in her husband’s arms. “Can I go see him?”

Doc nodded. “They’ll be taking him to a room shortly. As for Karissa, she hasn’t woken, I’m afraid. She must have hit her head pretty hard judging from the bump and gash in her head. The cold and rain didn’t help. Dr. Nelson, a specialist in head injuries, is with her now and we’ll see what he says.”

“Oh God.” Casey cried helplessly. She looked at her husband with panic in her green eyes and he swallowed his own fear for his sister-in-law and comforted his wife. “I can’t lose my baby sister, Roy.”

Roy hugged her tightly but didn’t know what to say to make his wife feel better. The two girls had only had each other to lean on since their mom had run off when they were little and their father spent all his time at the bar. Casey had become like a mom to Karissa despite only being three years older than her. Lacy and Liz took turns holding the sleeping baby boy for Casey. Kari sat next to Casey and hugged her tightly and cried with her. They had been friends since childhood. “I’m so sorry, Casey. I’m so grateful she saved Toby but I’m sorry she got hurt in the process. If she hadn’t been there this could have been so much worse. I know she’ll be okay, she is such a strong person.”

Casey wiped her tears away and nodded. She hugged Kari back. They had gone to school together and had always stayed friends despite living miles apart. Whenever she had visited Karissa in St. Louis she had also visited with Kari. “I’m glad she was there at the right time to help Toby. Karissa would never regret helping someone, especially a child. She loves children and wanted to be here with us since I had Jonathon.”

Gabe stood silently in the corner staying quiet but feeling sick inside with worry and agony. He had no right to see Karissa. She hated him and how could he blame her? He had taken her virginity and made her believe he was ready to settle down then chose the army life over her. He’d broken her young tender heart. He had regretted not taking her with him but he couldn’t turn the clock back even if he wanted to. Everyone was busy talking to Casey so he snuck down the hallway. Since he was in his deputy’s uniform no one questioned him.

He located Karissa’s room and went in quietly. She was lying so still in a bed with her eyes closed, breathing tubes and machines beeping everywhere. Her face was pale and he grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. It was cold and lifeless and he wanted to cry like a small child. Had he been too late to save her?

“Karissa, I know you hate me. I regret the choices I made when I was young and bullheaded but I can’t go back and fix them. Go ahead and hate me and ignore me when you see me, just don’t die. I can’t imagine a world with you not in it,” he whispered softly, his voice breaking with all the anguish he felt. He wished she’d open up those beautiful green eyes of hers and glare at him with anger or tell him off for hurting her. He sat silently with her for a while then got up to leave, needing to be alone with all his mixed-up thoughts and regrets.

He stopped by the waiting room. Ryan and Lacy sat with Casey and Roy waiting for the doctor to come back and update them on Karissa’s condition. The others had gone on to see Toby. He told Ryan he was going home for the night. He was emotionally spent and needed to unwind, preferably alone.

“Okay thanks for everything, Gabe,” Ryan said looking at his friend with concern. Ryan knew Gabe had a history with Karissa. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Gabe nodded leaving the hospital and drove home feeling so alone and hopeless.

Chapter 5

Karissa woke up and groaned, feeling stiff and sore and wondering where she was. The first thing she noticed was that she was no longer freezing or wet. Where was she? It took a few minutes before she remembered Toby and the woods. She gasped and called out while trying to move her arm. “Toby?”

“Toby is fine honey,” a voice told her. She opened her eyes and looked over to her side where her brother-in-law sat in a chair by her bed, looking tired and unshaven. He sat straight up and smiled in relief.

“Roy?” she whispered, feeling confused. Her head was throbbing and she didn’t want to move. “Where am I?”

“In a hospital. You’ve been out of it for almost two days now. You have an IV hooked to your arm, so stay still. Casey is going to be so thrilled. She’s walking with Jonathon down the hallway,” Roy said, standing up and walking toward the bed and leaning over her. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I’ll go get her.”

Casey came rushing in a few minutes later with an excited cry and tears in her eyes. She handed her husband the baby who was wide awake and looking around. “Rissa, you had me so worried.” She hugged her sister gently, mindful of all the wires and tubes everywhere. “You are so brave but you scared the crap out of me, sis.”

“I’m sorry I worried you, Casey.” Karissa still felt weak and tired but it felt good to have her big sister’s arms around her. She looked around the white walls and saw the sun shining through the windows and blinked at the brightness. “Have I really been here for two days?”

Casey’s expression was one of relief. “You saved Toby, remember? Gabe found you in our old fort but you were unconscious. See all the flowers and balloons people have brought you? You’re a town hero, sis.”

Karissa looked around the room filled with colorful balloons and flowers and smiled weakly and joked. “Wow, never knew I was so popular.”

“You are now, kid,” Roy replied while holding his son in his arms. “It’s good to see you awake, Rissa. You had us all worried. But Doc told us you would be okay and make a full recovery.”

“Is Toby okay?” Karissa asked, worried about the little boy. She felt bonded with him after what they had gone through together that night. “He was such a brave little guy.”

Casey nodded and patted Karissa’s hand in a comforting motion. “He has a broken arm but otherwise he is recovering at home with his family. You made quite an impression on him. You are all he’s talked about and he even drew you a picture to see when you opened your eyes.”

Casey handed her a picture of a stick figure with a c

ape on and holding the hand of a little boy. “He said that is you and him.”

Karissa was so touched by the drawing she thought she might burst into tears. Her head was pounding and she felt so tired despite having slept the last two days away.

A young nurse with a friendly smile walked in interrupting their moment, giving Karissa time to gather her emotions together. “So you’re awake, Miss Suthers? That’s great, I’ll go and get the doctor.”

Karissa looked at the nurse. “My head hurts a lot, though.”

“I’ll give you something for pain.” She nodded, leaving again to go and get the doctor.

Karissa wasn’t allowed to leave until the next day. She still felt a little weak but she was glad to be out of the hospital and back at her sister’s house. It was hard to rest with nurses coming in and out to check on her all the time.