“What was it like growing up here?”

“Everything is Valentine’s Day all the time. Will you be participating in any of the planned activities?” I ask.

“Yes, actually. I moved here for work, and I start at the hospital next month.”

“Are you a nurse?” I ask, though I already know the answer.

“Oh, no. I’ll be the chief of staff.”

“That’s a powerful job.”

“I’m looking forward to it. The hospital is participating in the Festival of Love. I volunteered for a shift in the community health booth.”

“Ah, I see.” Giving out condoms and safe-sex pamphlets aren’t my idea of fun, but what do I know.

“Would you like to come to dinner at my house this evening?” Danica blurts out, making me chuckle and her giggle.

“Sure,” I say without hesitation. Usually, I decline a parishioner’s dinner request faster than lightning, but there was no way on earth I would ever say no to her. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a little notebook. She writes on it, tears it out of the spiral, and hands it to me. I carefully the piece of paper into my pocket before taking the puffy black jacket from her arm, helping her into it.

“Six o’clock?” she asks, looking over her shoulder at me.

“Sounds good,” I say.

“See you then,” she says, smiling at me. It fucking dazzles me. I never understood that expression until just now. We say our goodbyes, and I watch her walk away from me. I stare after her until she drives away from the curb where she is parked.

Twice, she looks back at me over her shoulder. I grin at her each time. Then more parishioners come over to me. When I am finally able to leave, I head straight home. I pull the paper out of my pocket. She’s written her name, complete with a heart over the I in Danica and a shamrock over the I in O’Brien, and her address. Fucking adorable.

At home, I am able to catch the end of one football game and the entirety of the next one. It’s just what I needed to distract myself from thoughts of her. It’s a miracle that I managed to make it the few hours until I can see her again.

Chapter Four


“Sean, what did you do? Why can’t I come home?” I ask frantically. This has to be the weirdest phone call I’ve ever had with my older brother and that’s saying something. My brother is the boss, and can be a real badass when necessary but he doesn’t manage social situations well. I’d bet real money he’s never even been alone with a woman before, which is why this whole conversation is surreal. He’s quickly explained once, but I had to ask him to explain it again. Slower.

“I had to do it, Dani. I had to. She’ll marry me, you’ll see.”

“Who? Tell me, what’s going on?”

“I can’t, but I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be unavailable for a while, and you might need to come home for a while. I don’t trust the men to handle business in my absence without someone I know is loyal to me here.”

“Where are you going?” I ask again.

“Can’t tell you that either. Everything will be okay, but I’ll let you know if you need to go home.”

“Alright, Sean. Whatever you need. Of course. Don’t do anything crazy,” I tell him.

“Too late. Love you, sister,” he says excitedly. Oh, God! I’m going to be on the news; I just know it. Whatever he’s done, it can’t be good.

“Love you too, brother,” I say, hanging up the phone. I can’t help but wonder what he’s gotten himself into, but I’m pretty sure he can handle it. At least I think he can. If not, I’ll definitely get a phone call. Overseeing the men was something I was taught, just in case. Since it’s just Sean and me, my parents wanted to ensure I could do what needed to be done.

I know it’s cliché, but one of the only foods I make well besides peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, is shepherd’s pie. I hope he likes lamb because I make mine traditionally. It was hard to find lamb, but eventually, I found out at the butcher. Once that is in the oven, I start cleaning the living room and my bedroom. Neither are really messy, but it’s more out of a nervous habit that I do. Finally, at five-thirty, I take a shower and put on a cute dress that I just bought. It’s a pale pink spaghetti strap dress. I skip shoes. I open a chilled bottle of wine just as the doorbell rings. Flora is going to Amy’s, so I’ll have the place to myself for the night. I’m honestly not sure I’ve ever slept alone before. I went from my father’s house to the sorority house, followed by the dorm room I shared with my bitchy roommate at graduate school. She was a loner and only left the dorm to go to class and eat, so she was there the entire we roomed together. It was weird, to be honest.