Speaking of, I want him. I want him more than I have ever wanted a man in my life. I’ve never had this feeling before. I look down at the bulletin in my lap. As wrong as it is, I want to know the name of the man who will star in my fantasies from here on out. The man whose name I will moan softly while I rub my pussy.

Pastor Evan Wood.

Shit! I think as I fan myself again. Even his name is hot.

But fantasy is all it can be. A man like him is most likely married to the girl he met in college and now has two kids and a dog. A man like him doesn’t go after a girl like me, and I don’t blame him. I’m a bit crazy.

Besides, I bet he doesn’t even have cows to trade, not to mention that I would have nowhere to put them.

Chapter Three


She is in church today.

In my space.

The object of my covetous obsession and the inspiration for my sermon today was sitting in the front row in a little yellow sundress and tiny white sweater. I can’t help but wonder if she has a winter coat with her because it snowed all night again. Does she not know what she’s doing to me? The way she keeps crossing and uncrossing her legs tells me she does, but her flushed face tells me she maybe doesn’t. Every flash of her creamy thigh has my blood pressure rising. I want nothing more than to bury my face between them. I can barely breathe; she is so damn beautiful. My dick is rock hard as I make my way through my sermon. I’ve never been more thankful for the podium in front of me. It is both uncomfortable and unfortunate. I am not even a hundred percent sure that I am speaking the words I wrote, but I must be because suddenly, my congregation starts singing the hymn listed in the bulletin. I pull it together enough to lead them in the final prayer and tell them it’s the same time and place next week.

I move to catch her after the service to introduce myself, but of course, I was held up by Delores Jones and her five daughters. One by one, the well-meaning woman parades them in front of me like this is a Jane Austen novel. My Gran made sure I read all the classics as well as the Bible, and I remember each story fondly. My eyes follow Danica as she talks to people, moving from group to group.

Finally, I catch up to her as casually as possible, but instead, I skid to a stop behind her and reach out and grab her shoulder harder than I mean to. She gasps and turns around. Her eyes are wide as she looks at me. I take in every inch of her. When the breeze picks up, her subtle sexy perfume reaches my nose. I inhale, and my breathing instantly calms down.

“Oh, it’s you,” she says, and her voice washes over me. I watch a shiver go all through her. Everything in me tells me to take hold of her and never let go of her.

“Hello. I’m Evan.” I take her hand in mine and hold it there.

“Danica,” she says after swallowing thickly.

“How did you enjoy the service?” Pretending that I don’t know what her body looks like under that dress is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Pretending I don’t know what she looks while she comes is impossible. I see her face, etched in passion, every time I close my eyes.

“It was fantastic,” she says simply.

“Will you be joining the church?” I ask, needing to know how much I’ll be seeing her in the daylight instead of the bushes beside her bedroom window.

“I am Catholic, but since there isn’t a church here, I’d like to. So, yes, if you’ll take me, that is,” she says.

“Oh, I’ll take you,” I answer. I was growling at her more than I was actually speaking. Her sexy blush rises again, and it’s all I can do not to kiss her right in front of all those people.

“You will?” she asks, dropping my hand. She takes that hand and rubs her neck with it. I lick my lips in anticipation. How in the world can I get her alone? I hate that I am not holding her anymore. Touching her smooth skin is already an addiction. I’m heading down a dangerous path, one I never thought that I’d be on.

“How are you liking Cupid’s Cove?” I ask. I’ll ask anything to keep talking to her.

“It’s the most adorable town I’ve ever been to. I grew up in New Jersey, and there is nowhere this quaint.”

“Yes. It’s the perfect town for love.”