Page 6 of Hard

“It’s okay.”

“No, I’m serious, Izabella,” he insisted. “That was a prick move, especially since you’re drunk. Not that it matters, because he’s a motherfucker anyway, but why did he leave you?”

She swallowed, her face getting hotter because being honest with Corbin meant she’d have to talk about personal things. They might have hung out back in the day, but she’d never really been personal with him. That had been her and Crestin’s thing. “Believe me, I won’t be seeing him again.” He didn’t respond, and she knew he was waiting for her to tell him.

There was another moment of silence before she finally spoke.

“He was all but asking me to go home with him. I told him, in so many words, that it wasn’t going to happen.” She shrugged, trying not to let it bother her, but she was pissed. “He went to the bathroom and never came back out.”

Corbin started grinding his teeth, and the anger on his face was clear. She could feel it like a blast of hot, rage-filled air coming from him. His muscles flexed under his shirt as well, and as much as she hated how the night went, a very feminine part of her liked the fact Corbin was upset.

It turned her on.

“I’m being rude. Come in.” She moved aside, feeling that buzz going strong but wanting not to let this get weird between them. The drive back from the restaurant had been somewhat quiet, and aside from him asking her a few questions, probably trying to keep the small talk going, she’d stared out the window and kept her mouth shut. She was humiliated about being ditched, and even more so because the object of her lust had been the one to pick her up.

Corbin stepped inside, and she shut the door. Some coffee might help her sober up, although staying in this blissful intoxication sounded pretty damn good right now.

“You want something to drink?” she asked over her shoulder and made her way into the kitchen.

“Beer, if you have it.”

She stopped and glanced at him before nodding. Okay, so no coffee right now. Good, because she wasn’t ready to face this with a clear head. After grabbing a beer for him and a bottle of water for her, they headed back into the living room and sat down.

The silence stretched between them again, but she didn’t know what to say. Honestly, she didn’t know why she’d invited him into her house.

Because he did you a favor by coming to get you.

But is that the only reason you asked him in?


“You know, I’m here if you want to talk,” he said and tipped his beer bottle back, taking a long pull from it but watching her at the same time.

“Thanks, Corbin.” She held on to her water bottle tightly enough that the plastic made a crunching sound under her grasp.

“I know we weren’t as close as you and Crestin, but with her gone and us living next to each other,” he said and shrugged, “I’m just here for you, okay?”

She nodded and gave him a smile, but her libido was acting all kinds of crazy, especially with her being buzzed. Her normally out-of-control arousal for Corbin seemed even more heightened, and all she could do was pray she didn’t make a fool out of herself while he was in her house.

“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.” Her voice cracked as she said that, her nerves rising, her arousal already strangling her. Corbin didn’t say anything for what seemed like forever.

Why is it so hot in here?

She saw the way he looked at her, the fact his gaze dipped down her body… the way he shifted on the seat.

Oh my God. Look at the size of that thing.

Her gaze was glued to the crotch of his jeans, to the tented material, his cock clearly stiff with his desire.

He’s aroused.

He leaned forward in the chair, set his now empty beer bottle on the coffee table, and rested his forearms on his thighs. For a second, all he did was stare at her, and all Izabella could do was try to breathe normally and hope he couldn’t see exactly how nervous and aroused she was.

But why? Who cares if he can tell? He’s got a boner, so clearly, he wants you.

“You’re breathing really hard, Izabella.”

The way he said her name, all low and deep, had her entire body tightening and her skin tingling. This need to just throw caution to the wind and be with him was about to override her common sense. She might be buzzed, but she wasn’t drunk enough not to understand what she wanted.

Izabella’s inhibitions were just more relaxed, and it felt so good not to care or worry so much about it.

“I know,” she whispered.

“Why are you breathing so hard?” His voice was so deep.