Ryan’s smile of surprise slid into sincerity as he held a hand out. “In that case, it’s always nice to meet a fan and fellow music lover.”

Keri took his hand and gave it a good strong shake. “Wow, this is…incredible. Could you maybe, if it’s not too much to ask, sign my momma’s favorite TGB shirt? She saw your show in Alabama on the last tour.”


“Holy crap!” Those were the little girl’s last words before she took off out the front door like a starter pistol only she could hear had sounded.

“At least somebody loves me,” Ryan said as Pippa entered the living room with crumbs on her mouth and the plate of cookies in her hand.

“I love you plenty, but these cookies are changing my life.” She made her way to her new husband and tilted her head up for a kiss.

I should have looked away, that would have been the polite thing to do, but it was such a treat, a rare gift to witness the kind of love that had always existed between Pippa and Ryan. Their road to happily ever after was decades in the making, but now they were happy. So very happy. Some days I thought I wanted that again, that easy companionship and love. Not necessarily a marriage, but a loving and supportive partnership. And sex. I could really use some hot, up-against-the-wall sex with a man who found me attractive, no hot.

“All right you two, there are kids present.”

“Go ahead,” Belle offered and shoved her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “This is a good way to learn proper kissing technique.”

Ryan jumped back with a shocked look. “Um, what?”

“Okay I’m back,” Keri said, slightly out of breath but with a huge beaming grin. “I brought a marker too just in case you don’t carry one around with you for occasions such as this.” She held the shirt out to Ryan, hands slightly shaking.

“This shirt looks a little big for you, I’ll see if I can find one in your size so you don’t lose your momma’s scent.”

Keri blinked away tears and sucked in a deep breath. “Thank you kindly, Mr. Gregory.” She shook her head until she had a handle on her emotions. “Sign it to Martina please, I know Momma will get a good kick out of that.”

Ryan signed the shirt with a flourish before he handed it back to Keri with a grin. “Read it.”

“Martina, thanks for making the Mobile show the best of the tour. From one music lover to another. Ryan Gregory.” Keri looked up at him like he was a real life superhero. “You’ve made this girl happier than a pig sloshing around in the mud.” She turned with a triumphant smile at Belle and Bridget. “Y’all are so lucky.” She gasped and turned to Pippa with wide eyes. “The Color of My Heartbreak. Right?”

Pippa froze with one hand on her belly, a cookie half way to her mouth. “Uh, sure?”

The room was filled with a shocked silence only broken by a familiar deep voice that was as smooth as honey. “I hope she’s not bothering you all.” Trey Fine, in the flesh.

All the very fine flesh.

Chapter 2


I didn’t mean to barge into Valona’s house the way I did, but after hearing Keri rush inside the house and right back out without answering me, I had to check on her and make sure she wasn’t overstaying her welcome. We’d only been in Carson Creek a few months and I wanted to make sure we both made a good impression. And since my new neighbor, Valona Berryman already seemed to hate me, I didn’t want her to think I was taking advantage of her kindness.

“Sorry to intrude.”

Valona’s green eyes took me in and found me lacking, which I could admit was a new feeling for me.

She shook her head. “It’s no problem at all. Keri is always welcome here.”

My shoulders relaxed at her words, even if they were spoken like she thought I was a nuisance, or worse, a terrible guardian. “Oh. Okay, good.”

“Holy hell, he’s even hotter than you said he was.” The pregnant woman stood just a few feet away from me, wide blue eyes assessing me like a piece of meat. “Wow.” She was about as talented a whisperer as a chainsaw.

Valona smacked the redhead’s arm a little harder than playfully. “Excuse my friend, Pippa. She’s pregnant and having a hard time keeping her thoughts to herself.”

“My thoughts? You’re the one who said…ow!” She smacked both hands at Valona who had pinched her arm. “I mean, it’s nice to meet you Trey Fine. Great name, by the way.”

“I’m standing right here Pip.” The man beside her finally spoke up and I did a double-take, because it was Ryan Gregory, and he had a possessive hold on the pregnant redhead.