Right there in the gorgeous green field, I kissed Valona for the first time. Her lips were even softer than they looked, softer than I remembered from that brief kiss the other day. Rose petal soft lips that grew more insistent with every second we touched, every time our tongues collided.

A low growling moan escaped her lips and my arms circled her waist, pulling her closer because I needed to feel more of Val. Hell, I wanted to feel all of her. She was all woman, soft curves and pillowy breasts against my hard chest, and I couldn’t stop touching her, couldn’t stop kissing her. I wanted more of everything. More of Valona. More time with Valona. Her hips pressed forward and she gasped, opened her eyes and looked up at me with shock in her eyes.


“You’re beautiful and kissing me like you want me, what do you expect Val?”

She shook her head, completely bewildered. “No.”

“Yes,” I insisted. “It’s true.”

I could tell she wanted to argue with me, so I put my lips to hers again to quiet her. When we separated, Valona’s shocked expression was simply adorable. “It can’t be.”

“It can, and it is. Go out with me.”

“We’re already out,” she shot back with a smile.

“Out on a date, Val. You and me.”

She shook her head and her dark hair fell around her shoulders, sexy and feminine. “You don’t have to ask me on a date, Trey.”

I bit back a sigh and took her hands in mine. “I was going to ask you anyway, but then you were all up in my personal space smelling and looking so good that I just couldn’t help myself.” She started to relax and I stepped in even closer. “I can kiss you again once you turn me down if it’ll help you realize that I mean it.”

A throaty laugh escaped and her whole body shook, including that delicious cleavage. “Not necessary.”

Her words perked me up. “Does that mean you’ll go out with me? We can start easy, with the Valentine’s Day dance. Say yes, Val.”

“But the girls…” she insisted, scrambling for an excuse. Any excuse.

“The girls can come with us. It’ll be good for Keri, and I’m sure your girls have already picked out what they plan to wear.” We shared another laugh that felt natural. It just felt right. “We can make it a family date. As long as I get to wrap my arms around you and twirl you on the dance floor again, I’m good.”

A long silence passed between us, and then Valona pointed at me. “Get back to work, Mr. Muse.”

I laughed and did as she commanded, shoving down the disappointment at her diversion. “Better?”

Valona nodded. “Much. Thanks.” She took a few more shots before her gaze slid to mine. “I’ll think about it.”

“That’s all I ask Valona, and if you’re truly not interested, I will accept that too, and we can just be friends.”

It’s not what I wanted, but if friendship was the only piece of her I could have, I would accept that.

Chapter 13


I entered Dark Horse and looked around, surprised the place was already done up for Valentine’s Day. Was this a thing now?

I was operating under the assumption that only Christmas decorations went up weeks in advance of the actual holiday, but the truth is that it wasn’t just Dark Horse. All the businesses on Main Street, except mine, showed up today with hearts and roses, pink and white and red decorations, cherubs and cupids, the whole shebang.

Valentine’s Day, not exactly a day made for lonely middle-aged widows, is it? Still, Pippa had chosen tasteful decorations in darker shades of red and a smooth off-white color. It was very grown up and in line with the cowboy theme of the restaurant. I guess it’s time to break out the Valentine’s Day décor for my studio, I thought to myself as I waited for the hostess to return to her podium.

Another thought occurred to me, maybe I could do some early advertising for Valentine’s Day photo packages for couples. It wasn’t really a thing, not that I knew of anyway because I was no longer young or hip, but it wouldn’t hurt to put the idea out in the universe, right?

“Hey Val, sorry I’m a little late. Had an argument with the baby about who was in charge this time of day.” Pippa looked rushed and exhausted, but she had the undeniable glow of a woman in love with her man and her baby. “You look great. Come on, I’ve got us a table near the back, away from the ear hustlers.”

I laughed at the way she leaned in and whispered conspiratorially. “Thanks? I appreciate it.” What I had to talk to my best friend about was sensitive, and I’d feel a lot better if the entire town didn’t know about it. “So who won the argument?”