Trey looked at me and held the bottle out, laughing when I captured another photo. “You’re addicted.”

I laughed and accepted the bottle, freezing for a brief moment when he took the camera from my hand. “I am not, but you were right, this is a great spot for photos.” I held a hand up to shield my face. “Don’t take photos of me.”

“Why not?” He snapped another photo and accepted the champagne with his free hand. “I want you to see yourself how I see you, Valona.”

“You’re the photogenic one.”

“If Bridget said that to her sister, would you let her get away with that?”

My gaze narrowed at him. “It’s not the same and you know it.”

He snapped another photo. “It’s exactly the same. What would Pippa say?”

“That’s different,” I insisted. “She’s my best friend, and she thinks the world of me.”

“I do too.”

I shook my head because I was too tipsy to have this conversation right now. I already liked Trey too much, way more than a woman my age should like a thirty year old. I was just tipsy enough that I might do something stupid.

“We should get going before we finish this bottle.”

He smiled at me as if he knew exactly what I was doing and took my hand. “All right. Do you want me to drive? I’m good. Not impaired at all.”

I dropped the keys in his hand. “Thank you, Trey. For just being you.”

“Thank you Valona.” We drove home mostly in silence, and when he pulled into my driveway, Trey turned to me with another heart stopping smile. “You’re a fun date Valona. Let’s do it again.”

Trey walked me to my door and kissed my cheek. Softy. Gently. Sweetly. “Do me a favor, look at the photos and let me know what you think.”

“I will,” I whispered, knowing I would be unable to do anything else once I got the girls settled for bed.

Chapter 12


Another day at work with Valona and it’s another day of pure torture. She wore another of her long, flowing dresses that usually hid all of her assets, but the difference today was that there was cleavage on display. Mounds upon creamy mounds of distracting cleavage.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. She was so beautiful she glowed, and I couldn’t look away. The fact that Valona had no idea that she was stunning only made her more beautiful.

To her, she was just Valona.

To me, she was starting to become everything.

The chimes above the studio door sounded and in shuffled Esther Hannigan in her cotton candy pink pantsuit with a matching hat and white purse. “Trey Fine, come on over here boy and let me get a good look at you.”

I laughed and motioned her towards the area where Valona consulted with clients. “Why don’t you come over here so I can get a good look at you? I love a woman in pink.”

She blushed prettily and waved a hand at me. “You’re incorrigible Trey Fine, and I love you for it.”

“Right back ‘atcha Esther. Just don’t tell Ralph, those meaty fists might ruin my pretty face.”

She tossed her head back and laughed. “And what a crime that would be! I’d never let him get close enough to do any real damage, sweetie. Don’t you worry.” Esther patted my cheek and dropped down in the chair in front of the computer monitor. “You plannin’ on going to the Valentine’s Day dance we’re having this year? Usually we just do a fundraiser with lollipops and chocolates and such, but this year we’re doing a real dance along with everything else.”

“A dance? Like a school dance?”

Esther nodded. “Exactly. We already have the Spring Fling and Sadie Hawkins, plus the Summer Harvest Dance and Autumn Harvest Dance.” She laughed and put a hand on my arm. “I’m sure the girlies will be lining up to ask you, or get you to ask them. Maybe a real woman like Valona, if she remembers she’s still young and beautiful.” The last part was said a little louder than necessary as Valona waved goodbye to a nineteen year old who’d come in for head shots for his LinkedIn profile.

“It’s too bad you’re married Esther, I’m sure you can dance with the best of ’em.”

“I sure can,” she answered proudly. “I’ll save you a dance and you can see for yourself.” She winked at me just as Valona joined us. “I was just telling Trey about the Valentine’s Day dance. You planning on attending young lady?”

Valona frowned. “Maybe. I’m sure the girls will want to go.”

“But not you?”

She shook her head. “I’m too old for all that.”

Esther laughed. “What does that say about me? I’m getting a new dress, new shoes and maybe even some new lingerie for the evening.” Esther’s glare held a dare in it that Valona didn’t challenge.