“Valentine’s Day themed photos?”

“Exactly. Photos of town officials dressed in red and pink and white, using cupids and hearts and stuff like that. I’ll do it along with the Deputy Mayor and town council members. The police and fire chiefs too. I’m still working on a few others.”

“Sounds good. See if you can get one of the Gregory brothers to join in too and we might sell more tickets than we can fit into the Community Center.”

“That’s a good idea actually.”

“Gee, thanks.” I laughed at Chase’s odd way of speaking. I knew him long enough to know he didn’t mean any harm with his words.

“I just meant I hadn’t thought of it. I was worried it would look like I was taking advantage.”

“Take advantage. They are hometown boys and they’ll be happy to do anything to help.” He nodded and looked around the studio absently. “What else?”

Chase blinked. “What do you mean?”

“You have that constipated look on your face that you wear when you have something to say that you don’t want to talk about.”

“I do?”

“Yeah, you do. Spill it.”

“We don’t need you for the dance.” Chase clenched his jaw and shook his head. “What I mean is, that I don’t want you to read into it that I’m not asking you to take photos of the dance. Carlotta thought it would be a good idea to have everyone use their phones to take selfies throughout the night so we can post them to social media and use them to promote other events in town.” Satisfied he’d explained himself, Chase nodded.

“That’s a great idea. It’ll be fun and hands-on for everyone.”

“Exactly,” he agreed sternly. “I just wanted you to know that it has nothing to do with your work as a photographer. You did a satisfactory job of making me look older and experienced for the town photos.”

“You were born aged thirty-five Chase so it was easy, but I’m glad you were satisfied.”

His shoulders relaxed. “I am. You’re good. Keep up the good work,” he said that like a man far older than his thirty five years. “I’ll let you know about the photos.” Without another word, Chase rushed out of the studio and I couldn’t help but laugh.

Chase was a good mayor, and he had done a lot to increase tourism to our small town despite his sometimes startling behavior and stilted manner of speaking.

If he didn’t let his shortcomings stop him, why should I?

Chapter 10


Forty-five minutes was half the time I usually spent working out, but I pushed myself hard to make sure I was sweaty and exhausted when the timer chimed on my phone. I smiled and did a quick stretch before I pulled on a hoodie, grabbed a towel and made my way back to the photo studio without one glance at my reflection. When I walked into the studio, I was rewarded with a shocked smile from Val. I flashed a grin, trying like hell to ignore the arousal that blended with the shock on her face.

“Problem Val?”

“No.” She shook her head, expression steely now. “Just surprised you look so put together after a workout, though I guess I shouldn’t be.” She seemed so annoyed that another smile spread across my face.

“You see this hair? It’s a sweaty mess, and if you don’t believe me, come a little closer and you’ll get a whiff.”

There it went again, that flare of arousal in her green eyes. Valona wrinkled her nose adorably and took a step away from me. “No thanks. Follow me, at a distance,” she emphasized. “I have a black background set up for you.”

I followed behind Valona and enjoyed the hypnotic sway of her hips, the soft swish of the fabric against her skin. She moved gracefully, almost like a dancer, and with such ease as if every move was expertly choreographed.

“How do you want me?”

Valona looked up with another startled expression as if she’d forgotten she wasn’t alone. “Shirtless.” The word slipped out on an appreciative sigh. Her tongue darted out and slid across her bottom lip before she blinked, shook her head and took a step backwards. “I mean, take off your shirt. Please.”

My lips quirked into a playful grin. “I thought you’d never ask,” I told her and teased a laugh from her lips. “Though I thought I’d get a meal first.”

“I’ve fed you plenty,” she mumbled and turned away as I tugged off the sweaty t-shirt. When she faced me again, Valona sucked in a shocked breath, her gaze fixed on my midsection.

“Good god, where do you put all the food you eat?”

My head fell forward and laughter shook my shoulders. “Until recently, this was a tool of my trade.” She didn’t’ seem convinced, and more than that, she was still distracted. “I’ve been watching what I eat and working out regularly since I was sixteen.”