
“Right? They look like they’re in love, not just some in love couple working hard to look in love. They’re adorable and sickeningly cute, exactly the point of engagement photos. This is hashtag goals, Val.”

Trey was right, the photos were great. Jason and Shay didn’t just look good, they looked totally at ease together. Happy and in love. They looked like a couple who should absolutely be getting married in a few months. But one thought persisted and I shook my head. “The photos are good, better than good, but that wasn’t because of me.”

“Not at all. The only thing I did was give them permission to just be, you found a way to turn their love into magic.” He smiled and I felt that smile all the way down to my gut because I knew he meant it.

“No.” I shook my head and dropped down into the closest chair. “I’m just a picture taker, not a photographer and I was fooling myself to think I could do this.”

“You did this Val. You!” Trey grabbed my shoulders again and shook me, not hard but firmly. “Stop finding reasons to stop chasing your dreams, woman. You’re doing it. These are the best studio photos you’ve taken aren’t they?”

I nodded. “Maybe.”

He laughed loudly and it echoed in the empty studio. “Such a little liar. They are. You know how I know? That little smile you wear when you look down at the photos, the smile of a job well done. You had the same smile the day you were creepily taking photos of me.”

His words teased a laugh from me as well. “It was pretty creepy wasn’t it?”

“Just a little.” He held his thumb and forefinger barely a centimeter apart. “But I get it, you saw something you wanted to capture for posterity,” he motioned to his lean physique with a teasing smile. “And you went for it. That’s admirable. That’s passion.”

“Like I said, you’re very photogenic.”

“You think it’s just me?” Trey shook his head, not even giving me time to answer as he glanced at his watch. “I skipped my workout this morning to make our breakfast.”

I folded my arms and frowned at his non sequitur. “Already trying to have an early day Trey?”

“Not at all. I’ll go workout now while you go through those photos and instead of showering and changing, I’ll come back and you can take more pictures.”

“What’s that going to prove? That you have a six pack for me to drool over?” Oh sweet heavens above, yes please!

“If you want to drool,” he sighed, “I have no problem with that. Let’s just see if you can make something decent out the photos.” His words were meant to be a challenge, one he knew I couldn’t deny.

“I’ve seen photos of you all sweaty and mussed, and you still looked great.”

Trey laughed. “You’re good for my ego, Valona, but that wasn’t real sweat, it was water and oil spritzed all over me. I’ll be tired and my skin will be splotchy, my hair won’t be perfectly messed up, it’ll be actually messed up. And sweaty. If you see any photos you like, you have to stop doubting yourself.”

“Just like that?”

He blinked. “Do you know another way?”

I pointed at his smiling face. “One hour, Trey. We have another shoot this afternoon.”

He flashed a satisfied smile and saluted me. “See you in one hour Val.”

I shook my head and turned away from the door, giving the engagement photos my full attention. They were good. Really, really good, and I tried to let Trey’s words sink in, let them become my truth. But I couldn’t.

Maybe wanting a dream bad enough wasn’t a good enough excuse to chase it. Maybe I was nothing more than a small-town studio photographer and I should learn to be happy with that, especially since the town had been very supportive of my business.

The chimes sounded as the door opened and closed. With a sigh I tore my gaze away from the photos and towards potential customers, wondering if they wanted me to photograph a one year old’s birthday party. To my surprise it wasn’t a customer, it was Chase Carson, mayor of Carson Creek and Pippa’s younger brother.

“Hey Val. You have a minute?”

“Sure. Need an updated photo for your dating profile?”

He blushed and shook his head, the same move he’d done as a boy when I put him on the spot. “No. I don’t have a dating profile.”

I waved him in with a friendly smile. “When you’re ready, come to me and I’ll do it as a favor for an old friend.”

“We’re friends?”

I shrugged. “You’re basically my kid brother Chase, so if not friends, then my annoying little brother. Does that work?”

“Um, sure.” He looked around, uncomfortable for some reason.

“What do you need Chase?”

He nodded as if suddenly remembering why he was in my studio. “The Valentine’s Day dance is just around the corner,” he began even though it was a full month away. “I was thinking it would be great to do some town promo for the dance, starting with photos.”