“No, not like that at all,” I growled at her. “But Keri doesn’t need me to be a full-time stay at home parent. She’s damn near as independent as any adult, so I need to show her that it’s important to find something that matters, some way to contribute to the world.” I folded my arms and waited for an apology I didn’t really expect.

Valona didn’t disappoint. She acknowledged my words with a nod. “Don’t expect special treatment because you’re pretty, or because I like your niece. I expect you to show up on time, to be courteous and professional to anyone who walks through the doors.”

“I am a professional Valona, despite what you think of me.” I took a step back, putting enough distance between us that I couldn’t smell her perfume that I just couldn’t forget. “I’ll be on time and professional,” I repeated her words.

“Good,” she grunted and took a step forward to extend her hand to me. “We have a deal.”

“Great,” I said evenly and took a step forward to grip her hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

“Perfect,” she shot back and lifted her chin, daring me to keep up the game.

I released her hand and took a step back before I did something crazy like kiss her. “See you tomorrow Val.”

“Ten o’clock sharp. First appointment is at ten-thirty.”

“I’ll be the one with the dimples,” I called over my shoulder and exited the studio.

Chapter 9


The chimes above the studio door chimed just as I slid a comfy looking sofa into place for the next client. There was still fifteen minutes before the clock struck ten, so I turned with a smile, expecting to see one of the early risers just browsing or—fingers crossed—wanting to make an appointment.

“Good morning and welcome to…oh it’s you.”

Trey laughed and shook his head. “You really need to work on your customer service, it’s horrible.”

I glared at him and pointed. “You’re not a customer. You’re an employee. Or an intern, or whatever.”

“Then I guess you don’t want what’s in this bag?” He held up a dark green canvas bag, and instantly the smell of coffee hit my nostrils and teased me.

“What’s in the bag?”

“Good stuff, and if you ask nicely, I’ll let you see.” He wiggled his eyebrows with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes. “Can I please see what’s in the bag Trey?”

“Absolutely.” He flashed a beaming smile and handed over the bag that overflowed with amazing smells.

There was coffee, two cups, and though they looked like disposable cups, they weren’t. “Smells incredible.”

“Egyptian roast and full bodied. Guaranteed to put some pep in your step.”

I handed him one of the cups and set mine on the table before I went back to see what else was in there. I lifted a bowl with a frown because it wasn’t the sugary pastries I expected. “Is this a hint?”

Trey reached for the other bowl. “This is a power bowl, full of super foods, delicious stuff and packed with energy. Did I mention they’re delicious?”

“Is this a hint that I need to eat healthier?”

“Nope, just to give your brain the maximum capacity to be your creative self throughout the day.” His smile was so open and genuine, it was hard not to smile back. “Taste it,” he urged and I swear his voice pitched a little lower, a little sexier.

Instantly my mind filled with an image of me and him in another, more naked situation. Me on my knees staring up at him while he repeats those two words to me. Taste it.

“Go on Val, you know you want to.”

I smiled and popped the lid with a smile. I picked up the spoon and ran it through the swirling colors inside the bowl. “Oh wow, that is delicious.” The words came out on a moan that sounded more sensual than I’d meant it to. “Incredible. Where did you get this?”

“Chez Trey.”

My eyes bugged out dramatically. “You made this? Ridiculous,” I growled and set the bowl down.

Trey wasn’t offended, he just laughed and nodded towards the comfy sofa as he picked up the bowl and put it back in my hands. “What’re we doing today, and what do you need me to do?”

“Engagement photos.” I hated engagement photos. They were so phony and staged, which was strange since the couples all appeared to be genuinely in love. “All I need for this job is for you to move the lights around when I tell you to.”

“Aye, aye milady.”

I rolled my eyes just as the chimes sounded again. “It’s showtime,” I told him and went to greet the couple. “Good morning Shay. Morning Jason. Excited about today’s photo shoot?”

Jason groaned and shook his head. “I’m a little nervous actually.”

“Me too,” Shay admitted with a smile.

Great. This day would feel longer than the two hours they’d booked. “You’ll both be fine. I swear it.”