“Spying on me Valona?”

I gasped and jumped, almost dropping my camera at the sound of Trey’s deep, velvety voice. I gathered myself quickly and turned to him with a defiant tilt of my chin.

“Kind of, I suppose.” There was no point denying what we both knew I’d been doing. “You were the perfect subject, sitting there contemplating the meaning of life and I just couldn’t help myself,” I shrugged. “Do I need to apologize?”

His broad shoulders rose and fell casually, as if he was completely unbothered by the whole situation. “Nah. I guess I’m kind of flattered since you dislike me so much.”

I frowned and shook my head. “What would make you think that? And why do you even care?”

His nostrils flared in a rare flash of emotion and Trey shoved his hands in his pockets. “I’m trying to be your friend Valona, that’s why.”

I laughed in disbelief. Not even when I was his age did men his age want to be friends with me. “But you’re young, and I’m sure you have a million more important things to do other than start a friendship with a woman twice your age.”

Trey laughed, showing off a strong, sexy Adam’s apple and his sharp jawline. I took advantage of the moment and snapped another photo. “My moisturizing regimen must really be working if you think I’m twenty.” At my shocked expression, his grin widened. “I’ll be thirty-one in the summer.”

No. “Thirty?”

He nodded, his lips twisted into an amused grin. “You’re older than me, sure, but you’re not an old woman. At least not from where I’m standing.” His gaze was filled with heat, which I knew to be impossible, so I shook my head to clear what I wanted to see and replace it with reality. But then the confounding man went and licked his lips, and yep, the heat was unmistakable.

I rolled my eyes to stop the spear of desire that went through me at the look in his deep blue eyes. “You just can’t help yourself, can you?” That had to be it, he was one of those men who flirted with every woman he came across. It was harmless.

“Not when I see a beautiful woman who’s captured my attention.”

Dammit, a shiver of desire tore through my body and nearly split me in half. Get it together, Val. This man was more than a decade younger than me, he wasn’t serious in his flirting. I stood a little taller and looked him right in those gorgeous blue eyes.

“Good, because you have my attention too. But I just want you for your body.”

Trey’s expression was priceless, a mixture of pure shock and heat, and my fingers itched to capture that moment for the future.

“Just your body,” I clarified, “from head to toe. I want to photograph you, and in exchange, I’ll teach you all I know about parenting.”

The heat died on his face and I couldn’t help feeling pleased at riling him up with flirty words for a change. “Does that mean we can’t be friends, Valona?” Why did he say my name like that, as if it was some exotic name like Veronique? “Because that sounds like the kind of favors friends do for one another.”

“No,” I sighed. “It doesn’t mean that we can’t be friends. But it does just mean that we both need some help, and with our girls being joined at the hips, we could help each other out.”

“That’s what friends do.”

What was with him and us being friends? “I don’t think you have any trouble making friends.”

“Despite all evidence to the contrary?” His dark brows rose with his question, calling me out for avoiding his overtures.

“Friendships develop naturally Trey, you can’t force it.”

“We could’ve been friends already if you didn’t scowl at me every time you see me. If you didn’t run in the other direction when I show up.”

He noticed? “You should find friends your own age.”

“I’m trying to do that now. With you.”

I sighed and nodded. “Okay, how about this, if we get to know each other and a friendship develops, I’m all right with that.”

Trey said nothing for a long time, just stared at me until I had to resist the urge to squirm under his assessing blue gaze. “Let me think about the photos thing, and I’ll get back to you.”

I fought against the wave of disappointment at his blandly spoken words. It wasn’t the answer I wanted or expected to hear, but I had to accept it for what it was. “You know how to find me.”

“Maybe this time you won’t hide from me when I come calling.” With another killer smile, Trey Fine strolled away with all the confidence of a gorgeous young model who had no business flirting with me.

Chapter 8


Valona wanted to photograph me.

She hadn’t said if it was an artistic endeavor to improve her skills, or for profit, but she didn’t seem that mercenary so I chalked it up to her art. I knew the moment she asked that I would do it. Not just because she had been so helpful to me and so kind to Keri, but because I wanted to help her out. It was nice seeing someone who was just finding their passion in life. The look on her face as she stared down at the photos she’d taken of me told me everything I needed to know, Valona was a passionate woman who just hadn’t found the right outlet for her creativity.