“I’m glad you’ll also have Vanessa’s support,” Valerie says. “She’s a wonderful young woman.”

“She is.” Vanessa came into my life at the right time when I needed her and Ivy.

Because of them, something that I’d thought impossible is now doable.

Emma wakes up and when Valerie brings her to the living room, she lets out a shriek when she sees me and stretches her arms out to me. I take her from Valerie and hold her close to me.

“I’ll bring her bottle,” Valerie says and leaves.

“Hi, my sweet girl,” I coo to Emma while peppering her cute little face with kisses. “We’re going home soon.”

I’m so excited I want to burst. I can’t imagine getting to see Emma whenever I want and playing an important role in her life. Gratitude for Jade comes over me. She could have made a different choice when she learned that she was pregnant, but she had opted to keep Emma. Because of that decision, I get to be a father and experience the love between a father and his daughter.


I go straight to Vanessa’s cottage when I get home. “Anybody home?” I call out as I push the door open.

“We’re home,” Vanessa responds and my heart skips at the sound of her voice.

Ivy is in her playpen, pushing colorful balls across the space. She looks up and her little face creases into a smile, then she pushes herself to her feet and grips the playpen bars.

“Baa,” she says. That’s her new word for me. Ba. It makes me smile.

“Hi, sweetheart,” I say and crouch to her level. “How was your day?” She raises her hands for me to pick her up, loses her balance, and plops down on her bottom.

A look of surprise crosses her features then we both laugh. I stand up and lift her off the floor into my arms. She wraps her arms around my neck and warmth floods me. “How lucky can a man get?”

“Can I get in on this action?” Vanessa says and throws her arms around the both of us.

It strikes me what a beautiful family we would make. Me, Vanessa, Ivy, and Emma. I can see us as living together as a family. I’m shocked by the force with which I want it to happen.

“I’ve missed you,” Vanessa murmurs and plants a kiss on my neck.

“I’ve missed you, too.” I draw back and kiss her on the mouth.

I spend the next few minutes playing with Ivy and then it’s her bath and dinner time. Vanessa and I get our private time later. I help her with serving dinner and then we sit across from each other at the small table catching up on each other’s day.

“I’m so happy for you,” she says when I tell her about my visit with Dahlia. “I can’t wait to have Emma home. It’ll be wonderful for both of you and Ivy will get a playmate.”

“It’ll be fun to watch them bond,” I say. “Will you help me with buying furniture for the nursery?”

“I’d love to,” Vanessa says.

I’m careful with my next words. “I was thinking of making it a double nursery for when Ivy is visiting.” My breath is suspended as I wait for Vanessa’s response.

I used to think I had a problem with commitment, but Vanessa is worse than I am. Understandably so because she’s a mother. Her first responsibility is to Ivy, and she takes it very seriously. I understand that now.

Emma has made me look at things differently. I’d been a judgmental asshole when I’d scolded her for not letting Gabriel know about Ivy. Look how that panned out.

“That would be nice,” she says just as carefully. “It would be convenient for all of us.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding. “Thank you.”

Understanding and warmth flow between us. It’s a step forward in our relationship. My chest squeezes with happiness. The future has changed for me. I can picture Vanessa in it. Both of us raising Ivy and Emma as sisters. Becoming, what did they call it? A blended family.

We finish dinner and clean up. Needing to feel her close to me, I go and stand behind her as she’s rinsing dishes. I rest my hands on her hips.

“I’ve missed this. Holding you, touching you, feeling you,” I murmur as I nuzzle her neck.

She lets out a soft moan and throws her head back opening up more of her neck to me. She smells so good. Edible. I scrape my teeth lightly on her soft skin. Her nearness dominates my mind, and my body awakens with a hunger that takes me aback.

I turn her around to face me and a groan escapes my mouth as her soft body molds against mine. I brush my lips against hers and slip my tongue into her mouth. She’s hot and she smells sweetly of mint. My body goes into full arousal mode. I press her against my painfully erect dick. Her hands trail over my shirt, igniting a fire in my belly. Our kiss deepens and soon, we are both panting into each other’s mouths.