The limo driver sees us and hops out. He gives a slight bow and opens the door for us with a flourish. We get inside the lush limo and the door bangs shut.

The interior is nothing short of amazing with drinks and snacks, several screens, and more space than you can imagine a vehicle would have. Logan seems unfazed by it all and I try to adopt his coolness, but I can’t.

“This is so exciting,” I squeal, and he cracks a smile and touches the tip of my chin.

“You are exciting,” he says.

The ride is smooth and ends too fast when we arrive at the venue. The limo moves at a crawling pace as we get closer to the wall of photographers, cameras, and crowds at the front of the theatre.

Then it’s our turn to get out of the limo and walk the red carpet. It happens very fast as security subtly rushes us and before we know it, we’re inside the theatre being shown to our seats. As Kyle Brice’s guests, we’ve snagged good seats near the front.

The huge screen is showing live events on the red carpet, as people walk down, take pictures, and enter the theatre.

“That’s Michael McComber,” I whispered to Logan as one of my favorite actors pauses for pictures on the red carpet. It is beyond fun and then it was time for the cast to introduce themselves and the movie on stage. Not that Kyle or his co-stars need to introduce themselves.

The evening goes by too fast as far as I am concerned. To my delight, when the movie is over, Grace comes to find us.

“You guys have to come to the after-party,” she says.

“Do we have to?” Logan says, eyeing the exit longingly.

Grace and I burst into laughter.

“Yeah, that’s exactly how I’m feeling,” she says.

“Okay fine,” Logan says. “I’m feeling sufficiently guilty.”

Grace introduces us to people I thought I’d never see up close. Most celebrities are nice and friendly and I get a few referrals when they learn that I am a child birth educator.

Logan heads to the bar to get a drink.

“Hey, excuse me,” a blond man who seems familiar, says to me. I can’t for the life of me place him.

“Hi,” I say, politely.

“I just want to say that you look very pretty. May I get you a drink?”

I want to burst out laughing. He probably thinks I am a celebrity as well. Imagine that. He grabs a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and hands it to me.

“My name’s Bob Taylor,” he says. “I’m a wrestler.”

I’m not a fan of wrestling but I smile politely. “I’m Vanessa and I’m a child birth educator.”

His interest does not wane. I guess he hadn’t thought I was a celebrity after all.

I take a sip of the chilled wine. “Just so you know, I’m with someone,” I say to him, wanting things to be clear. I am there to gawk at celebrities, that is all. I am not interested in being hit on. I have my Logan for that.

He clutches his belly as if he has been punched and pretends to go down. I giggle at his acting skills.

“Why are all the pretty ones taken?” he says.

We sort of become friends and he introduces me to his fellow wrestlers and their girlfriends and wives.

I see Grace approaching from the corner of my eye. She pulls me a little way away and then whispers into my ear.

“Logan looks like he’s ready to murder someone,” she says with a giggle.

I turn to look at him. He is scowling while staring at the group of wrestlers I’ve been talking to. I laugh.

“I wish he knew no one can hold a candle to him. They’re just a friendly bunch.”

Grace laughs too. “It’s nice to see them jealous sometimes though?”

“It is. Let me go and end his misery,” I say and go to Logan and slip my hands around his waist. The fierce look melts away.

I kiss him on the mouth and then draw back to stare into his eyes. “No one here is hotter than you, know that?”

He kisses me lightly. “I just don’t want anyone sniffing around my woman,” he growls.

I laugh. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

“Who said I was jealous?” Logan says and kisses me again. This time, the kiss is deep and long and it makes me forget that we are in a crowd of people.

Later, on our way home, I let my head rest on Logan’s shoulder. It has been exhilarating and I am sure I’ll be up for hours. For the first time, Logan and I are going to be alone in the house. Ivy is spending the night at my sister’s.

We thank the limo driver and get out. The street is deathly quiet and there is no one peeping from their windows. Logan keeps my hand in his as he unlocks the door and we enter.