I almost squeal with excitement but I manage to contain myself. “I’d love that, thank you.”

She leans forward and hands them to me.

“Can you imagine me going to a movie premier,” I say, unable to contain my excitement anymore. I’ve only ever seen such events on TV and never once thought that I would one day walk the red carpet.

Grace laughs. “You remind me of the first time I attended a red carpet event with Kyle. I was nervous as hell.”

“Really? What would you have to be nervous about? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and your taste in clothes is impeccable.” I’m genuinely puzzled. The rest of us women have a ton of insecurities though I try to view mine in the right perspective, which is that I am who I am, and I can’t change that. It works most of the time.

“Thank you for saying that. You should have seen the stuff they printed about me the following day and weeks that followed,” she says with a laugh. “I can laugh about it now but at the time, it was devastating. The tabloids nicknamed me thunder-thighs.”

My jaw is on the floor. “You, thunder-thighs?” My gaze goes to her slim thighs. “That was just plain cruel and couldn’t be further from the truth.”

She laughs. “That’s the biggest disadvantage of living in the limelight. I try to stay out of it as much as I can.”

“I love your paintings by the way,” I tell her shyly. I’ve done a bit of snooping and I discovered that Grace is an extremely gifted and talented artist.

She smiles. “Thank you. If I didn’t have my own work, I’d go crazy, especially on the days when Kyle is gone for weeks.”

“That must be tough,” I tell her.

“It’s not too bad. We’ve become a family around here with the people who work for us, and we look out for each other. Plus, my parents are not too far off,” she says.

“What about you and Logan? How long have you been dating?” she asks. “When I worked at the station, we used to tease him that he was immune to the charms of women. I’m glad that’s no longer true. He’s a good man and I’m glad he found a good person.”

My face heats up from the compliments. It doesn’t feel as if Logan found me considering that the foundation of our relationship was physical attraction.

“We actually haven’t dated for long,” I tell her. “A couple of months at the most. What about you guys, how long have you been married?”

“Going on two years. Time has just flown by.”

Grace offers me coffee and even though I really need to get back to the office, I feel bad saying no and I decide to make it a quick one. Besides, I’m really enjoying her company.


“Tell me again why we need to go to this movie premier?” Logan grumbles as I adjust his shirt collar. He looks so hot; I find it hard to believe that he’s mine. At least for now.

“We’ll get to mingle with celebrities,” I tell him.

“What’s so special about that?” Logan says, determined to be difficult. “They’re people just like us.”

“Don’t be such a drag,” I tell him and use his shoulders to propel him around. “You look like a movie star.”

He bends down to kiss my mouth. “I’ll try and have fun for you.”

I laugh at his grumpy attitude. Logan can’t understand why I’m excited to see in person some of the people I see on screen. It’s silly of me I know, but I comfort myself that Eva is worse than I am. She screamed for a full minute when I told her about the movie premier and made me promise that the next tickets are hers.

“This will be my first time in a limo,” I said to Logan.

He smiles. “That was really kind of Grace and Kyle.”

Grace had called me and said that Kyle had organized for a limo to pick us up and then drop us back home when the evening was over. Tonight, I feel like a star, and I can’t wait to experience the whole evening.

Logan slips his hands around my waist. “You look so beautiful it’s tempting to cancel the evening and have our own premier right here.” His gaze dips to my cleavage.

I giggle and wriggle out of his hold. “So not going to happen. Come on let’s go, I’m sure the limo is here already.”

Logan is always a temptation but not tonight. I grab his hand and my purse and pull him out of his bedroom where we were getting ready. Progress is slow going down the stairs as I’m wearing a silver evening gown with the most daring split I’ve ever worn and a plunging neckline.

I was right. The black limo is waiting outside and as we walk toward it, I spot a few faces looking through the houses opposite Logan’s. It increases my excitement a little bit.