“I get that. You can’t go back and change your mind once you take that step,” I say.

“Exactly,” Logan says grimly.

Chapter 26


“Don’t forget to let them know that you have a training partner who will take over the classes when you’re not available,” Eva says.

I laugh and assure her that I won’t forget. We’re in the office but hardly getting any work done. We’re both in a heightened state of excitement. I leave for the Brice’s home in less than ten minutes. I’m nervous as well. They will be my first brush with celebrities and they seem bigger than life.

Logan would tell me to stop being silly and he would be right. He has quickly become as close as my best friend and I like to pass my ideas by him and see what he thinks.

“You’re thinking about Logan, right?” Eva asks. “You always have this ‘I’m in love’ look on your face when you’re thinking about him.”

“I do not,” I protest. “Okay, maybe I do.”

“I’m so happy for you,” Eva says. “And for the record, I think he’s a great guy. He’s been really there for you. He’s the kind of man you want in your corner.”

“Yeah, I think he’s pretty special.”

After Logan returned from dropping off Emma, we had spent a nice evening together at the cottage talking about the future. Sort of. My heart starts to pound rapidly remembering the conversation we had and the good feelings it left me with. He talked about his hopes and plans for his and Emma’s future and included Ivy and me in the conversation. Even though he was not direct about it, he spoke as though Ivy and I were part of him.

“Time for you to go,” Eva says. “Maybe I can finally concentrate on getting ready for my class.”

“Don’t go blaming me for your lack of concentration.” I stand up and check that I have everything I need in my oversized bag. When I’m ready, I turn to Eva. “I’m off, wish me luck.”

“You don’t need luck. You’re awesome at your job,” Eva says.


It’s a beautiful day to drive to the hills where most celebrities live. All my windows are down, and a cool breeze blows into the car and the sun warms my arms. I follow the directions from my GPS and twenty minutes later, I’m slowing down in front of a huge white gate.

My heart pounds crazily and I cannot keep a smile from my face. The gate slowly slides open, and I drive in. The grounds are beautifully landscaped with large mature oak trees and at the end of the drive is a gorgeous two-story home that makes me gape with my jaw on the floor.

The house is massive. I cannot fathom living in a house this huge. I approach the front door and before I knock, it swings open and a beautiful slim brunette with smoldering green eyes smiles at me. I expected a servant to open the door and I’m taken aback that Grace is the one who does. She’s obviously pregnant with a rounded, protruding belly and I’d guess her to be six months along.

“Hi,” she says warmly and sticks out a hand. “You must be Vanessa Allen.”

I smile and take the offered hand.

“I’m Grace, welcome to our home,” she says, inviting me into a foyer I could spend hours admiring.

“Thank you, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say.

“Kyle and I were waiting for you in the study,” she says as she strolls down a wide hallway and pauses in front of a beautifully carved wooden door. She flashes a reassuring smile at me before pushing the door open.

I take a deep breath and follow her in.

“She’s here,” Grace says to a man standing by the window looking out.

He turns around and familiar piercing blue eyes meet mine and for a second, I can’t breathe. Kyle Brice. In person. Oh my God. I clench my hands into fists and will myself not to fan girl. I’m a professional but still…

He steps forward and as he moves, I feel as if the room is shrinking. He usually looks big on screen but in real life, he’s massive. The scars on his face give him a dangerous but sexy edge and I can see why females around the world adore him.

“It’s nice to meet you, Grace,” he says, putting out his hand.

His hand engulfs mine and finally, I get back my ability to speak. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Brice. Can I just say that I love your work and I’m trying very hard here not to fan girl.”

They both laugh and the tension is broken.

“Let’s sit down,” Grace says, and I follow her to the brown leather seats arranged around a rustic wooden table.

Kyle sits next to his wife and takes her hand, sandwiching it between his. It’s nice to see a couple who obviously love each other despite the difficulty in carrying out a romance and a marriage in the limelight.