I glance around furtively in case Logan came in without my knowledge. That would be beyond embarrassing. I can't believe that I've spoken my fantasies out aloud. I'd promised myself to enjoy this affair but not think too deeply of it. We both have a lot of things from our past that we need to resolve but how I'd love to be part of this girl's life, as well as her dad's.

The front door creaks open and in seconds Logan enters the living room carrying a baby bag. "I didn't have to carry a lot of stuff. Glad we shopped yesterday. I'll check on Ivy,” he says and leaves.

"Your daddy is a goofball," I whisper to Emma.

Logan returns and comes to sit next to me. "Ivy is in the middle of a sweet dream that's making her smile in her sleep."

"She's not the only one," I whisper to him and chuckle. "Emma is making the cutest funny faces. I wonder what she's dreaming about?"

"Milk," Logan says and I laugh softly.

We talk in whispers until Emma starts to stir. She finally opens her eyes lazily at first and then she becomes alert when she sees an unfamiliar face.

"Hey, sweetheart,” I coo. "My name is Vanessa."

We spend the next half an hour strolling around the house, ostensibly giving Emma a tour. Of course, she can't tell one room from the next but it's fun. Ivy's monitor comes to life, and we hear her stirring. Logan takes Emma from me, and I go and get her.

"How was your nap?" Ivy smiles as if she can understand every word and babbles back in response. "Good? Great. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

I get Ivy changed while telling her all about Emma. When we’re ready, we head downstairs. Emma is on her belly on the play mat with her daddy right next to her.

“Look, there is Emma,” I tell her as we enter the room.

Ivy makes happy babbling noises, drawing Emma’s attention. I lower Ivy onto the mat and the two girls stare at each other, intrigued.

“They can tell that they’re both babies,” Logan says.

Emma’s interest is captured by the colors on the mat. Ivy remembers her hunger and starts to fuss. I’d prepared her bottle earlier and I grab it from the kitchen. I hold Ivy and give her the bottle while watching Logan playing with his daughter. With their heads close together, I can see the resemblance. They had the same shape of head and color of hair.

“They could pass for twins,” Logan says later when we’re out in the garden. We’ve arranged a blanket in the grass, shaded by a tree. The girls, as we’re referring to them now, are relaxing beside us.

“Easily.” My phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket. It’s an unfamiliar number. I swipe to answer, and a soft voice inquires if my name is Vanessa.

“I’m Vanessa,” I say.

“My name is Grace Brice, and I was given your number by Logan. I hope it’s okay that I’m calling on a weekend,” she says.

I scramble to sit up. “It’s completely fine.”

“I’m interested in your child education classes,” she says. “Do you take on private clients?”

“We do, yes. If you like, we can meet and discuss your needs and then come up with a schedule that suits you.”

We agree that I’ll pop into their house on Monday afternoon, which is perfect as I have a morning class. When I disconnect the call, I find Logan staring at me.

“I love how professionally you do your job,” he says. “You look so sexy talking business. Makes me want to take you right here and now.”

I laugh. “Hush. Imagine if they could understand what you’ve just said?”

He chuckles. “I’m guessing that was Grace?”

I’m giddy with excitement. “It was. She’s so polite. Nothing like what I’d imagine a movie star’s wife to be like.”

“Grace is nothing like that. She’s one of the most grounded people I know.”

“Thanks for putting in a word in for me,” I tell Logan. “I can’t wait to meet them on Monday. Eva will be so surprised.”

We take the girls on to feed them their lunch. More milk in the case of Emma. I leave them for a couple of minutes to get Ivy’s food from the fridge in the cottage. It turns out to be a nice easy afternoon and seeing Logan working so hard to learn how to take care of his daughter makes my feelings for him grow tenfold.

There’s nothing sexier than a single dad.

They take one more nap and then it’s time for Logan to take Emma back to her grandparents’ home. “I wish she was staying,” I tell Logan as he lowers her gently to her car seat.

“Me too. One day it’ll happen,” he says. “When I’m sure and confident that I can do it.”