We find a parking space at the mall and head to the stores. Our destination is the ‘All for Baby Store’ on the second story. The store is bursting with color and a happy atmosphere. We hit the clothes section first and threw in a couple of outfits for Emma, including warm stuff.

“Just a few in case she needs a change of clothes,” Vanessa says.

“Good thinking.” I’d have been lost without her. Who knew there were so many options when it comes to baby clothes? “I didn’t know four-month-old babies have day and night wear.”

Vanessa laughs. “They even have cute outfits for days out. It’s just smart marketing to get us to keep buying. Why do they need to dress fancy when they’re always swaddled in a blanket?”

We throw a few diapers into the trolley and then head to a more interesting section. Toys.

“We’re not there yet,” Vanessa laughingly says, pulling me away from the little tricycles. “Here we are. Teething toys and fluffy teddy bears.”

“We’ll grab some for Ivy as well,” I say, and spot one battery-operated fluffy toy that moves its head from side to side. “This will make her laugh.” I ignore Vanessa’s protests and buy a few more things for Ivy. I’ve always wanted to but never having been in a children’s store, I didn’t know where to begin.

We spend a good hour and a half browsing the store and when we finally leave, we have everything we need for Emma’s visit tomorrow.

“Thank you for taking me and for the idea,” I tell Vanessa as I stow our bags in the trunk.

“You’re welcome and thanks for Ivy’s toys. She’ll love them,” Vanessa says.

We leave the mall and head to Lexi’s place to pick up Ivy. I dropped off Vanessa at work in the morning under the pretext that I had stuff to do downtown. Not true. These days, I find myself wanting to spend more and more time with Vanessa.

I love seeing her at work looking animated as she speaks to her clients. A thought strikes me, and I want to slap myself on the head. “I can’t believe I forgot to tell you this.” I throw her a glance. “But I blame you.”

Vanessa laughs. She does that a lot and I love it. Her laugh warms my soul. Makes me laugh too even when I don’t know the reason for it.

“What did I do?”

“You seduced with a hot kiss as soon as I got home and kept teasing me throughout the evening. I couldn’t think of anything else except taking you straight to bed and stripping you naked.” Just remembering the previous night makes my cock swell again.

“And you did,” Vanessa says. “You’re making me addicted to sex.”

“Met too.” I inhale sharply. “See, I almost forgot again. Anyway, this lady, her name is Grace, was a firefighter before she resigned to paint full-time, came to visit us. She’s pregnant and I just happened to mention that my girlfriend runs childbirth education classes if she was interested. She was.”

“Aww, that’s sweet of you,” Vanessa says.

“That’s not all,” I continue. She said she’ll call you and see if you’re free to give her and her husband private lessons. Her husband is Kyle Brice.”

Vanessa squeals. “Are you serious? The Kyle Brice? The sexiest and most gifted actor in the history of film?”

“I’m rethinking telling Grace about your work,” I tease with mock seriousness.

Vanessa laughs. “That’s just the teenager that resides in me speaking. Kyle Brice cannot hold a candle to you. He’s not a firefighter.”

“So, you have a thing for firefighters?”

“Maybe…or one firefighter.” She licks her lower lip and I turn on the signal and pull over to the shoulder of the road. I bring the car to a stop, unbuckle my seatbelt, and lean over to cup Vanessa’s scalp. I seal her mouth with mine and kiss her with hunger running rampage in my body. My cock is so hard it feels as if it might burst through my pants. Vanessa’s hand snakes to my cock again and she strokes it through my pants.

I dip one hand under her skirt to her panties. They are soaking wet. Fuck. I rub her pussy over her wet panties and Vanessa moans in my mouth.

“I want to fuck you right now,” I growl.

“I want your big cock inside me,” she says, breathing heavily, igniting my fire further. “Let’s go home first. I have time before I have to pick up Ivy.”

I withdraw my hand but instead of removing it completely, I push her skirt up. “I want to see how wet you are before we go.”

“God, Logan, you get me so hot,” she says and slides further down in the seat. She spreads her legs apart and then reaches for the side hem of her panties and pulls it to one side, revealing her soaking wet pussy.