Chapter 23


“It’s odd to think that we grew up less than half an hour away from our grandparents and never knew it,” Lexi says.

“Maybe we’ve even passed each other in the streets or bought coffee in the same Starbucks,” I say.

We’re about ten minutes away from Woodley Park, one of the oldest and most affluent neighborhoods in the state.

“Ace didn’t think it was a good idea to show up without warning,” Lexi says.

“Logan didn’t either, but I trust your instincts,” I tell her.

Lexi smiles at me. “I love you, sis. Know that?”

“I love you too.”

For the rest of the drive, I’m engrossed in my own thoughts as is Lexi. I can’t wait for night, which has become something that I look forward to ever since Logan started spending nights at the cottage. He’s off work today but he insisted on dropping off Ivy at Lexi’s and then dropping me off at work. His reason was so that I wouldn’t be alone on the drive back home.

I hate to admit it, but I think I’m falling in love with him. I know that he has commitment issues, but I feel helpless to stop it. It’s akin to being on a fast-speed train that you cannot jump out of. Not to mention that the ride is thrilling and the landscape beautiful, and you don’t really want to get off.

You want to go a bit further and see what is ahead.

I alternate between excitement and mind-numbing terror. I can’t bear another heartbreak but even as this thought goes through my mind, I know that Logan would not deliberately hurt me in the way Gabriel did. If he does hurt me, it will be because he’s not interested in a long-term relationship, not because he’s cheating on me.

“We’re here,” Lexi says, slowing down and then stopping in front of a huge mansion that peeks from between some trees.

“Why have you stopped?” I ask Lexi. I expected her to take a left and drive down the long driveway that leads to the house.

The houses are set so far back from the road that it’s daunting to go on foot.

“I don’t know,” Lexi says. “I’m scared. A little bit. What if they claim not to know us?”

I shrug. I’ve mentally lived through all the possible scenarios. “Then we’ll go home and try Dad’s sister next.”

Lexi looks at me and raises an eyebrow. “Dad?”

My face heats up. “It feels good to finally get to say it. I’ve always wanted to say ‘Dad’.”

“Dad,” Lexi says. “It does have a nice ring to it.”

“Whatever happens, we’ll still have each other.” For the first time in our lives, our roles are reversed. I’ve never had to bolster Lexi’s spirits. She’s always been the encourager and the comforter.

“You’re right,” she says. “We do have each other.” She grips the steering wheel, a look of determination on her face and we start moving.

The drive cuts through well-manicured gardens and takes us right at the front of the house. It’s even more imposing close up as it’s several stories high with massive decorative pillars. You can tell that it has stood for decades.

“Dad grew up here,” I say. There’s so much I’d love to know about this strange man who was our biological father. My heart beats wildly with the realization that we are steps away from my father’s parents.

“Okay, let’s do this,” Lexi says and opens her door.

I follow suit and follow Lexi up to the huge wooden door. Lexi rings the bell, and we stand there looking like people who are about to be executed. I want to grab Lexi’s hand as I did when I was little but I’m an adult now. The wood of the door is so thick that we don’t hear any movement from the other side until the door swings open.

A uniformed maid appears, and she smiles at us warmly. I take that as a good sign. If my grandparents were horrible people, she would not smile at us.

“Hi,” Lexi says. “We’re here to see Mr. and Mrs. Campbell.”

“What are your names?” she says.

“I’m Lexi and this is my sister Vanessa.”

She smiles apologetically before shutting the door. We wait breathlessly and a minute later the door opens. I’m expecting the maid again but this time it’s an older lady with a dignified and calm manner about her. I don’t need to be told that she’s our grandmother. She stares at us quizzically, first Lexi then she shifts her gaze to me. She doesn’t seem surprised to see us.

“Anna and Grace,” she murmurs.

Lexi and I stare at one another in confusion.

“Please come in,” she says, holding the door open. She leads the way into a massive entry hall that’s the size of my living room. Mrs. Campbell shuts the door. “This way.”

We follow her down a hallway and then to the living room on the left side. Entering the room feels like stepping back in time. Thick carpets, heavy drapes, floral wallpaper, and velvet sofas.