She swings her legs and lowers them to my lap. I massage her feet.

“I know but I’ll be prepared for rejection,” she says. “I texted Ace when Lexi left. She’s the one I’m worried about. This has opened up a can of worms for her. I hope she’ll keep her cool when we visit my father’s parents on Saturday.”

“She’s the one who essentially ran the house, wasn’t she?”

“Yep, and she’s the one who remembers all the ugliness that went on in our house. Mom never did anything for us when she was drinking. Lexi even took charge of the finances when she was fourteen.”

The life she describes fills me with cold anger, but I keep it well under reign. That’s not what Vanessa needs from me right now.

“Have either of you ever seen a therapist?” I ask Vanessa. “It helps.” We have a therapist assigned to the fire station and he has helped a lot of us when the tension gets to be too much.

“We both have, and it did help, loads. But I guess there are some wounds that are too deep-rooted and they take years to heal. I think this will do Lexi a lot of good.”

“What about you?”

“I do want to know but I don’t carry the pain that Lexi does. She was the shield that protected me from most of it. I have very few bad memories from the past. The ones that I have are of Lexi and Mom fighting. I hated that and I was always on my sister’s side.”

We sit talking for hours until Vanessa’s voice grows slurry with sleep.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I tell her as she sits up from her prone position.

“Can you stay?” she says.

“Yes, of course,” I tell her. “I’ll just go turn off the lights and lock up.” I plant a kiss on her lips and leave.

I’m glad that Vanessa is okay but now I have a new worry for Lexi. They are dealing with stuff that I know absolutely nothing about. She has Ace though and I know that his wife is his whole world.

I return to the cottage when I’ve refreshed up and locked the house. Vanessa is not in the living room and I assume that she’s already gone to her bedroom. I turn off the lights and make my way to Vanessa’s bedroom. Water is running in the bathroom, and I shut the door behind me. I strip off my clothes down to my boxer briefs and slip into the bed. The water stops running and a minute later, Vanessa walks into the bedroom, clad in a sexy, silky nightgown that ends at her thighs and clings to her curves.

All my blood drops to my cock as I hungrily watch her sashay toward me.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she says and dramatically throws the duvet to one side, revealing my tented boxer briefs. She gets on the bed and cups my cock before pulling down my boxers. She inhales sharply as my cock springs out, big, hot, and swollen.

“I can never get used to the size of your cock,” she says, stroking it. “It’s so big and beautiful.”

I pull down my boxers the rest of the way and as good as it feels to have her hands on my cock, I want to taste her mouth again. I sit up and pull back so that my back rests on the headboard. I pull Vanessa up so that she’s sitting on my cock and her breasts are directly in front of my face.

I cup them over the soft material of her nightgown and she lets out a deep sigh. I press them together and thumb her nipples. I love how taut they are, pushing against the fabric.

“They ache,” Vanessa says.

“This is beautiful, but I need it off,” I tell her and with her help, I lift the gown over her head and place it carefully on the side of the bed.

I trail kisses along the valley of her breasts before zeroing in on one nipple and taking it into my mouth. Vanessa muffles her cries as I gently tug on her peaked nipples, one at a time.

“Better?” I asked her, raising my head to look into her eyes.

She meets my gaze. “It’s grown worse. I need more.”

“I’ll take care of it.” I kiss her nipples one more time and trail kisses down her belly. She spreads her legs for me, and I bury my face in her panty-clad pussy. “You smell like heaven.”


I pull down her panties and spread her panties. “You’re so wet, Vanessa.” Her folds are slick and I lower my head and delve into them with my tongue. A rumble rises up my throat as Vanessa’s cries of pleasure surround me. I use my fingers to spread her pussy further apart. I capture her clit in my mouth and suck on it gently. Her hold on my head tightens and she raises her hips.