“I do have an issue with child care,” I said, glancing at Cullen to make sure his attention was still on Bay and not me.

Marley’s eyes widened in understanding. “Of course! I should have thought of that,” she replied. “When you asked to meet me, I was so worried it was the worst. I didn’t think about it being …” She stopped and shifted her eyes to Cullen.

Marley tucked a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear and leaned forward with a grin. “I have the perfect solution,” Marley said with a bright smile. “He can stay at my house with Mrs. Henry. She’s Bay’s sitter. Jim works late most nights, and when he comes home, he is tired and needs to eat and get in bed.”

That would work if it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t want to wake Cullen up the nights I worked to take him home. That wasn’t a stable way for him to grow up.

“Thank you. I’m just worried about having his sleep disrupted.”

I felt like I was being difficult, but Cullen came first. He deserved that.

Marley nodded, and she looked as if she was thinking something through. “Bay wakes up as soon as I get home, as if it is clockwork. She wants to nurse. What if Mrs. Henry put them both to sleep in the guesthouse? That way, you could just go to bed yourself, no need to wake Cullen and go home until the next morning. That house is never used. Not since Saint moved out three years ago and bought his own place.”

I wanted Cullen to sleep in his own bed every night, but maybe for now, this would be okay. I would be there, and he would get used to the situation. It was clear he enjoyed playing with Bay. She was giggling and throwing down her teething ring for him to fetch, which seemed to entertain him as much as it did her. I trusted any sitter that Marley would allow into her home to watch Bay. There was no other option for me right now. Until I found one, this would have to work.

“Are you sure?” I asked her. “You could take the sitter fee and the rent for the guesthouse from my paycheck.”

Marley rolled her eyes. “I won’t accept rent money. I consider it good use of the place. I need you here, working, and it’s more of a selfish offer than anything. As for Mrs. Henry, I will ask her about the pay. I pay her thirteen dollars an hour. Twenty an hour for every hour she is there past midnight. I also pay her in cash.”

“That is fine with me. If she wants more because he’s older, I understand,” I readily agreed.

Marley smiled down at the two children. “She might require less. He seems as if he will be more helpful than anything.”

I thanked her and told her I would be back tomorrow night for work if they were ready for me to return. I still had time off, but I hated to keep losing money. Cullen said his good-byes to Bay, and I would use tonight to explain to him what would change on the nights I had to work. We would make packing up fun. I could take him to pick out an overnight bag and new pajamas today.

We walked out the back door with my mind on all I needed to do to prepare for our new arrangement. Stepping into the sunlight, I shaded my eyes and almost walked directly into Saint’s chest.

“Oh!” I exclaimed, stopping just before we collided.

Cullen’s hand in mine tightened, and he drew closer to my side.

“You okay?” Saint asked with concern in his voice.

“Uh, yes, I’m fine. The sun was in my eyes,” I explained.

“It’s eleven in the morning. You’re never here now,” he replied.

“Um, I had to talk to Marley about something,” I said, and he continued to stare down at me, waiting for more of an explanation. “I needed to figure out child care, so I could return to work.”

Saint looked down at Cullen and gave him a nod. “I see. Did you find a solution?”

“Thanks to Marley, yes, I did,” I told him.

“You’re coming back to work then?” His steady gaze was so focused.

I nodded. “Tomorrow,” I replied.

His tense stance eased somewhat. He was clearly relieved. “Good,” he said simply, then looked down at Cullen again and held out his hand. “I’m Saint. It’s nice to meet you, Cullen.”

Cullen glanced up at him and then his hand before slowly letting go of me and reaching out his small hand to shake Saint’s. I could see his little shoulders straighten as he did it. How strange the male species was. I looked back up at Saint with a smile on my face. His gaze met mine, and he winked.