“Got no problem with that, Ender.” I see the way her body jars back from me using the name that’s always been mine for her.

“Great, I guess that’s it. Have a good day.” She turns on her heel and leaves. It’s hard for me not to reach out for her, but I know today isn’t the day.

“Later.” I pick up my tool, about to finish up this work.

“You know what? Actually, we aren’t done. You owe me, Ryder, you owe me so much, more than you’ll ever know, and one day, you’re going to regret ripping my heart into shreds. The least you could do is give me an explanation.” A lead weight sits in my gut. This isn’t how I wanted today to go, but it looks like Ender is calling my bluff, and maybe it’s time we have that talk.



It’s safe to say I’m an idiot. Hand to God, if Sailor were here right now, she would slap me across the face to snap me out of it. I couldn’t help it. My own mother gave me a look of pity when she saw where my attention was when everyone came to greet me, another fault of mine. Why I decided it’d be good to drive to the compound instead of around to my parents’ house, I had no idea. Well, yes, I really do. It’s for this right here in front of me. The years haven’t turned Ryder into an ogre by any stretch of the imagination. Oh no, he’s gotten hotter in the looks department—hair long on the top, chiseled jawline, dark brooding eyes, even more muscular than he was four years ago, and if looks could kill, I’d say that’s what he’s giving me right now.

“You don’t want to do this, Ender, not today and probably not tomorrow. You want closure, look under your own roof.” My jaw drops because I have no idea what he’s talking about or alluding to. My own house. I’m pretty sure Ryder is the only one who ripped my heart out.

Of course, he doesn’t say anything else or allow me to do any talking. The fucking jerk grabs the gun, the compressor kicks on, and he ignores me while he tightens the lug bolts on the vehicle he’s working on.

I stand there waiting till he finishes, but after he tightens those up on the wheel he’s working on, still ignoring me, the jackass moves to the other side of the car and does the same thing. Well, if he wants to play it out this way, game on. I march out the garage bay, my shoulders back, game face on, ready to battle. And just my luck, Aunt Raven pulls into the parking lot with an elderly lady sitting in the passenger seat. Part of me knows I need to wait; the other part is ready to run and tuck tail.

“Boy, are you a sight for sore eyes, sugar bear.” Aunt Raven barely gets her Tahoe in park before she’s opening the door and welcoming me into her arms. God, I missed her—the smell, the feel of warmth she radiates, and her take-no-shit attitude.

“I missed you, Auntie,” I whisper, tears clogging my throat. Thankfully, the setting sun should diminish just how much crying I’ve done today.

“Me too, me freaking too. Did you talk to the surly one in there?” Aunt Raven’s hair is still long and dark, though mostly because she has to dye it to hide the grays; her words, not mine.

“Oh yeah, he’s the regular welcome wagon around here,” I joke, hiding my pain.

“I’m sure. Maybe now that you’re home, he won’t be such a grump.” I huff out a puff of air in admonishment. “I better get going. He’s working on Mrs. Mabel’s car, and she doesn’t like to drive after dark.”

“Okay. Hey, real quick. Ryder mentioned I needed to talk to someone under my own roof as the reason for the demise of us. Do you have any idea what that means?” I ask.

“Hmmm, not off the top of my head, but let me think on it, and I’ll text you tomorrow. Love you, sugar bear.” Aunt Raven got a strange glint in her eyes, which leads me to believe she knows way more than she’s letting on.

“Alright. Thanks, Auntie, love you!” I tell her before heading back to my vehicle. All of the wives, children, and brothers have dispersed, so at least they don’t have to see me walk to my car to lick my wounds.



I locked up after Mrs. Mabel got on her way. My mother gave me a long look, which I know spells trouble and the wrath of her anger is going to come down. The only problem is, who knows you’ll be getting the dose of her when she’s pissed. I just hope it’s not me this time.