“I’ve missed nights like these,” I tell Ryder as we walk up the steps to our front porch. It’s not every day we have a free night and a babysitter who’s willing to watch Jameson. Sure, the grandparents are willing to watch him, for small intervals. Ryder’s mom, Raven, said he was much the same as a toddler. If he wasn’t outside, it was balls to the walls, and falling asleep for someone else never happened. Sadly, Jameson is not only the spitting image of his father, which, hey that’s what I wanted, but he’s also him down to his crazy personality.

“Yeah, we’re gonna need more like these, especially after our girl makes her grand appearance.”

“We don’t even know if we’re having a girl or not, Ryder.” He’s adamant that this one will be a girl, but seeing as I’m only a couple of months along, we’re not sure. If we’re going by the same instances I had with Jameson, we’ll be having another boy. As much as I love Jameson and his craziness, that times two, yeah, we won’t be finishing filling up the last of the bedrooms.

“It’s going to be, with her mom’s looks and personality.” I hear the lingering in his tone, knowing what he’s thinking.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see about that. Thank you for a night out on the town.” We took full advantage of Sailor giving us a break, starting with a walk downtown, eating dinner at my favorite Mexican cantina-style restaurant, then rounding it out with a ride on the back of his black and chrome Harley. The wind in my hair, the moon following us, and nothing but me and my husband. It’s hard to believe everything I dreamed about since I was a young girl has come true.

“Anytime. Love getting away from everythin’. Between work, the club, and wrestlin’ Jameson, it’s been too long since we’ve had some time of our own.” He cups my cheek. My hands move to Ryder’s waist, and I lift towards him to feel his lips against mine. All these years, the bumps along the way, it’s been nothing short of amazing.

“What do you say we take this inside the house and pick up where we left off, yeah?” Ryder asks after a teasing of a kiss.

“Hurry.” His hand grabs mine, and he pulls me through the door. Silence greets us, and I’m thinking it’s our lucky day.

“Son of a bitch.” Ryder spins me around so my back is to whatever has his body locked up tight.

“Ugh, Ryder, what’s going on?” I ask, trying to maneuver to see what he’s looking at.

“Fuck.” Sailor’s voice carries through the quiet house.

“Brother, got nothin’ but love for you, but it’s time you and Sailor move this out of my house, yeah?”

“Shit, sorry. Hawk, Lavender, we’ll be leavin’ now.” I hear the rustling of clothes, getting annoyed that I’m not in the know.

“Okay, this is enough.” I break free, spin around, and see that Jackson and Sailor are completely clothed, though both are sporting mussed hair.

“Love you, Lavender, but I’m out of here. Jameson was great for his Auntie, even if he has energy like the Energizer bunny.” I’m left dumbfounded because I have no idea why Ryder seemed so upset. So they kissed. Big whoop, unless it was something else.

“Love you both. Have fun.” Honestly, seeing the two of them together makes me happy for Sailor. Since Sailor’s been in Ely, it seems she’s been fine staying single, but secretly, I think she’s ready to settle down.

“Love you,” Sailor responds, and that’s when I see her blouse is buttoned up wrong. A laugh escapes me as they leave the house, closing the door quietly behind them.